Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (Revised 6/6/21)

Shifting we ran towards the eastern border. No sounds of howling or signs of destruction could be seen. I started to feel as if this was some sort of hoax. Either way after everything that has happened, I was bound and determined to check it out. Shifting back, I looked to Leo who wore just as much confusion as I did. There was no one here. "I think after what happened with dad everyone is on edge. I don't see any sign of rogue activity at all!"

"I don't either. What do you want to do?"

Thinking for a moment, "Lets walk the border to be on the safe side. Let's split up though so we can cover more ground." With a nod we separated and searched for nothing. Everything seemed to be in order. As I was about to call it a quits and go home something caught my eye behind a bush. Cautiously moving closer I realized that it was a foot. Linking Leo that I found something I moved in ready to defend myself if I had to.

As I rounded the plant a young girl came into view. What blood didn't cover of her body bruises did. Leo reaching me at this point stood with his mouth open. She didn't smell like a rogue but her scent was familiar to me. I just couldn't put my finger on it though. Finally coming to his senses "Holy Shit Chris. That's not a rogue. It's a girl who looks like she was attacked by rogues."

"I know."

"Is she breathing? Where did all that blood come from? Where did she come from?"

All the questions he asked I had already asked myself. Bending down to examine her a little more thoroughly I could see the white gold color of her hair. She was indeed breathing but her breaths were shallow. Gently lifting her into my arms, "Run ahead and prepare the room next to mine. Have Athena bring items to wash her up so we can see where the damage is. Oh, and call Doc. I want him to check her out!"

Leo just stood there looking at me dumbfounded. " So were bringing her home with us and not to the hospital?"

"Yes. I want her close incase whoever did this comes back to finish the job. At least until we have a better understanding of what has happened to her!" With a nod of his head Leo took off to do as I asked. Walking brusquely, I didn't want to jostle her to bad. When she started to whimper, I slowed down a bit. It appears each step I took brought her more pain as she winced and whimpered the whole way home.

Kicking the door open I waited and talked to no one as I made my way upstairs. Doc was following me on the stairs, and Athena I noticed was outside the door waiting with a bowl and washrags in her hands. Gently laying her on the bed I brushed the hair from her face. Black and blue as it was it still didn't take away from her beauty. Athena had already gotten to work cleaning the blood and dirt from her skin while Doc grabbed my elbow and lead me from the room. "I'm sorry Alpha but I need you to leave. I will come see you when I am done." Nodding at the old man I looked at the girl one more time. I couldn't help but question who she was and where she came from.

Leo and I were sitting in my office when Doc and Athena came in. Both had a look of sadness and worry on their faces. Athena moved into Leo's open arms while Doc sat on the couch. No one said anything for a while, and it was grating on my nerves. "So, is anyone going to tell me what happened?"

Doc finally looked at me. "The girl is alive. I have cleaned and stitched her wounds as best as I can. She has suffered some severe head trauma as her temples and face are badly bruised. I had to wrap her ribs as the ones on the right side appear to be broken. And her back." He paused with a grimace and a shake of his head "Her back is shredded. Looks to me as if she was whipped with a metal tipped cat tails. As if that wasn't bad enough whoever did it dipped them in wolfsbane first. She isn't healing as fast as she should telling me that the effects of the poisonous plant have been in her system for a few hours. Once it is completely out of her system, I expect her and her wolf to make a full recovery."

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