Chapter 51

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By day 3 of living in the bathroom, Chris finally put his foot down. I was getting weak from not eating or drinking and it showed. My eyes were sunken in and my lips pale. I think I was becoming dehydrated but the thought of eating or drinking made my stomach do flip flops. I was too weak to stop Chris as he picked me up bridal style and cradled me in his arms. My breaths were shallow and I could feel how worried he was through our bond. He walked me right to the pack's hospital and as soon as we hit the doors he started yelling for Doc.

I was taken to a private room and it wasn't long before an IV was stuck in my arm. "Damn it, Willow, I told you if you weren't better that you need to come and get me or see me."

"Doc I told you I'm fine."

Chris looked angry which was an expression I hadn't seen in a while. "Yea Willow you're fine. You look like death. Doc says your dehydrated and if we don't soon get food into you..." He trailed off. I knew what happened to wolves that didn't eat. We eventually would become too weak to sustain our wolves and ourselves that one of us would die, and usually if it was your wolf that died you would soon follow. "Chris Hunny I'm fine. Please its just a bug or something."

"Well, first it was food poisoning when I was perfectly fine. Now you have a bug." I could feel his frustration and I hated that I was causing it. I could also feel his panic thinking of what might happen if I didn't eat soon.

Doc came into the room with a clipboard and a nurse. "Luna" I hate it when he uses my title and he knows it. "Now that I have you here I am going to ask you some questions before we examine you" I rolled my eyes and let him continue

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Three and a half days ago"

"When is the last time you drank?"

"Three and a half days ago"

"What symptoms are you experiencing?"

"Well, I am vomiting. And... no just hugging the toilet nonstop."

He was taking notes then asked, "When was your last heat cycle?"

"Last month"

He looked at me before turning to the nurse "Get a feeding tube and a pregnancy test please Rashell"

Chris turned to me with his eyes wide "Doc a feeding tube?"

"We have to get food in her Alpha. If we don't our Luna will die" There he was using our titles like he wasn't our friend. I spoke up next "Doc I'm not pregnant. Don't you think I would know if I was?"

"It doesn't hurt to check Willow. It will rule out one of many possibilities."

The nurse comes back with a long tube, a bag of nasty looking brown stuff and a small box. My stomach turns seeing that bag but I hold it together. There was nothing left to come up anyways. They help me to the bathroom where I heave a little more before sitting and peeing on this little white stick. I lay it on the sink counter and they help me back to bed. Doc had already hung the bag and laid the bed back. He had a red spray and told me I would feel uncomfortable and not to fight the tube as he inserts it. He slowly ran it up my nose and I could feel it go down into my stomach hitting that gag reflex as it went. I wanted to go back to the bathroom to heave but again there was nothing there.

As I lay in the bed I can feel the cold IV drip into my body causing me to shiver. Chris grabs me a heated blanket and sits down beside me. Doc comes back in and goes into the bathroom. It feels like it's forever before he comes back out.

Chris's Point of View

Carrying her to the hospital made me so sad. She had lost weight and you could see she was dehydrated. I laid her down in her private room and just watched her. I know Doc is asking her a bunch of questions but I'm not paying attention. All I can do is stare at her. I want to memorize every one of her features. I couldn't stand to lose her. She was being helped by Rashell back to her bed then Doc pulled out this long tube and bag of nasty looking brown gue. It hurt me to see them thread it up her nose. She gagged a little bit and it made her look so frail. I went and sat down beside her taking her hand. I know that I look worried and upset. My wolf is whimpering and pacing back and forth. We want to help our mate but don't really know-how. When she starts to shiver I get her a heated blanket to keep her warm. I would crawl in bed with her but its too small.

Doc and Rashell walk back into the room. Doc has a big smile on his face which is confusing to me. I look at my beautiful mate who is half asleep. Even in her sleepy, relaxed state, she looks at them confused.

"Doc why are you smiling" I growl. She's hurting and in pain. She is hungry and thirsty this is no time to sit around and smile. What does he find so amusing?

"Well, Chris and Willow I am happy to report that you don't have some sort of bug or food poisoning."

"What's wrong with me then Doc?" She asks. Her voice even sounds frail.

He giggles a little and pulls a small bag out of his pocket containing the pregnancy test. He hands it to Willow "I am so happy to report that you are pregnant my dear."

It takes me a moment while I let the information set in. A smile creeps over my face and I am flooded with happiness. I look to Willow as she has a lovingly warm smile on her face. I place my hand on her stomach gently and she places her hand on top of mine. "Were going to have a baby!" she says while a tear slips down her cheek. I kiss her forehead and nod while we both laugh and cry at the same time. We are starting our own family.

Willow's Point of View.

I don't know how to describe the way my heart is swelling. I am so happy to become a mom. Chris is going to be an amazing father and the moon goddess couldn't have blessed me with a better mate to share this experience with. I am kept at the hospital for a few more days against my will. Since my levels were so low when my blood work came back they wanted to help me even back out. Doc gave me a prescription for nausea and it seems to be working. By day 3 the remove the feeding tube and the IV. I'm eating slowly and not throwing up now which means I get to go home. I get to go and tell everyone. I asked my husband not to yet and made doc and Rashell promise it was our secret.

I lay my hand on my stomach and rub small circles. "Hello, little one. It's me your mama." I giggle "I want you to know that I love you so much already and I promise to always love you and take care of you and be there for you" Chris is standing in the doorway and walks over to me "I promise to be the best mama I can be my little one!"

Chris leaned in and kissed my stomach "And I promise to be the best Dad you could ever ask for" He leans up and kisses me and we head home.

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