Chapter 12

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The air outside was nice and cool, I breathed it in nice and slowly. Deep down I didn't think Athena knew he was here she seemed just as shocked as I did. I knew I was being watched I could feel his gaze. It didn't so much burn my skin as it did warm it and send chills up and down my spine. I really didn't think much of it considering everyone was staring but and chalked the feeling up to nerves but it made much more sense now. I felt like it was best that I went home. Pulling out my phone to text Athena I heard a very unwelcome voice.

"Hey Mutt, who gave you permission to get off your chain tonight." Turning around there was Bella.

Bellas stance screamed fight and so did the tone of her voice, rolling my I decided not to engage with her and started walking back up the road to the manor

"That's right run like the scared little bitch that you are." That struck a chord with me. I wasn't scared nor was I running technically I just literally didn't have time to play her games and wanted to go home. So I kept walking pretending I didn't hear her. "What's wrong Blood Moon cat got your tongue or are you too scared to fight me? Probably both. All you nasty dogs from that pack are weak anyway. Why you are allowed to stay in the house and not out on a chain is beyond me."

That last statement had me fuming. I turned on my heel to face her and she had a smug smile across her face which ticked me off that much more. She got to me and she knew it. "Last time I checked I was staying in the house and you were outside with the other dogs. And if memory serves me correct Chris let me stay and made you go. He wouldn't even let you fight me instead he protected me, Bella. Then again I don't roll over for the first thing that moves either so I guess he has more respect for me than he does for you. How does it feel to be the pack whore?"

Oops, maybe I said too much, Bella let out a war scream and charged at me with her claws out. I kicked off my shoes and was ready for the angry woman charging at me and I was semi-prepared for the tackle that came knocking me to the ground. I quickly got my legs between us and kicked her off of me jumping up at the same time. Bella jumped back up and charged at me swinging. I blocked them gracefully until Bella started to fight dirty and grabbed a handful of my hair and doubled me over. Bella gave her a swift jab to the stomach, knocking the air out of me. She was literally using my hair like a rope and started to swing me in circles throwing me to the ground after the 5th go around. My anger was beginning to get the best of me and I bore my claws and charged at her, landing one hit after another to her stomach, face, sides knocking the air out of her until she went down.

Tensions were high, trying to calm my breathing we just stared at each other. I had to shake my head. She had no idea what I had been through and honestly tonight I didn't want to fight. I just wanted to go back to my room at the manor take a hot bath and sleep. "Bella I'm done fighting you. I'm going home". I grabbed my shoes and started to walk through town when my arm sharply twisted behind my back and a hand came to my throat.

"Now, who has who? That's right Mutt I will win this fight. I knew you would run, You're a blood moon and they are all cowards." tightening her hold "When are you going to understand that you are nothing No one wants you and no one loves you. He will never be your mate I don't care what the moon goddess has declared is your destiny. You repulse him".

My vision had taken on a few different shades, black from the lack of oxygen than red as my anger rose out of control. Grabbing ahold of the hand around my neck I bent her wrist backward until she let go. When she squealed out in pain and her grip loosened I turned and kicked her in the stomach sending her backward. Before she could regain balance I had my hand around her throat.

"I may not be wanted here and that's fine. He may not want me and that's fine. But You arent his mate I am. I am here to stay whether he stakes his claim or not." I was losing control at this point. No, he voiced aloud he didn't want me but he did want me to stay. I was loved maybe not by my parents but tilly loved me until her dying breath and Athena loved me and quickly became almost a sister to me. My vision started to go black completely, not from lack of air but the anger that rose inside me incinerated my good sense and my wolf took over me out of control. The last thing I remember is squeezing my claws into the soft flesh of her throat.

Bella pulled at Willows's hand and kicked at her wildly trying to be released but nothing worked. Gasping for air she spat out. "That's right blood moon. Kill me like your father killed Chris".

That's all she needed to say my hand instantly released as I realized what I was doing. Stumbling backward I remembered how my father used to do that to me and so many others. I looked down and retracted my claws. What had I just done? Looking up with fear all over my face there stood Chris with Leo and Athena behind him. I looked at Bella and tried to apologize. I wasn't a monster yet here I acted like one.

Bella saw that moment of weakness as an opportunity and came at me again and this time I didn't care. Before she reached me Chris grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground. "That's enough Bella. I won't tolerate this kind of behavior. I let it slide last time but I watched it all this time. Go Back to the packhouse I will deal with you in a bit". Fuming that Chris came to the mutts rescue Bella did as she was told but not before making the promise to me that this wasn't over.

Athena had come to my side and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Are you ok?"

"No. No, I'm not. He used to do that to me when he was mad. I can't believe I did that. I need some air."

"Willow, we are outside".

"I need more air then".

I looked at Athena then turned to face Chris and Leo. My body started to shake uncontrollably like I was in shock.

"Willow calm down your fine. We saw the whole thing. We know you didn't start it".

"I can't breathe. I need to get out of here. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry". Tears were making a path down my cheek. I pulled myself from Athena's grasp and ran between the shops and into the woods. With one swift leap, I changed into my wolf form, leaving the others to stand there and watch. I could hear Athena pleading and calling for me to come back but I couldn't. I couldn't face them at least not right now.

"Go after her Chris. Please." Athena pleaded. "She doesn't know our borders and the direction she is headed is back to hers. If her father finds her back there he will kill her. Please."

"Leo take Athena back to the manor, I will have her back by sunrise". Taking off his shirt and shoes he took off into the woods after her, changing once he was out of sight.

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