Chapter 34

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Willow's Point of View

Slowly I opened my eyes. My head hurt so bad that my vision was blurry. I tried to reach up to rub it but as soon as I moved my wrists burned. Where the hell was I? Closing my eyes I tried hard to remember what happened with Chris. The pain in my chest was immense and it felt like I was shattering in two. The memories flooded my head. "I Christopher Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack reject you, Willow Dawn of the Blood Moon Pack, as my Mate" It hit me like a ton of bricks. We were trying to save Athena but instead, I was rejected to gain her safety. Tears burned paths down my cheeks as the words played over and over in my head. How could he mark me then reject me? Didn't he realize how much he shattered my heart and soul? A familiar feeling washed over me. I was lost once more, unloved, unwanted and I wasnt going to make it out alive.

I heard footsteps enter the room but no one spoke. A swift kick in the side made me open my eyes. Through my blurry vision, I could just make out the shape of Bella. Wait She drug me off. She gave me to my father. Fear took me over and I struggled against my restraints holding in the scream as the metal burned through my skin. "Stupid Girl. You can't escape this time." I turned my head towards her and blinked a few times hoping to clear my vision and it helped a little. "Bella. Why did you do this? I know you hated me but why risk the safety of your pack?" It was hard to speak. Every time I opened my mouth it felt like a piece of me was escaping back into the universe. Pain and darkness radiating in its place.

"Well since we have plenty of time let me explain. When our mothers were pregnant with us one was Dominics daughter and one was a rogues daughter. Care to venture a guess which was which?" When I didn't respond "Well ok. See I'm Dominics daughter and you are a nothing. To keep up appearances he let Katrina keep you and claim you as the father. What Alpha wants to admit that his Luna was unsatisfied although he was unsatisfied hence why he came looking for my mother."

The things she was saying actually made sense. If Dominic isn't my real father then who is? I didn't voice my question though I listened to the lying no good backstabbing bitch tell her story. She was staring me down. I could feel her eyes on me boring holes into my skull. Damn, I wish my vision would clear. Silence filled the room, I guess she was waiting for me to yet again speak. "Why Bella? Why betray the pack you were born into. Chris. Leo. Athena. The warriors. Your family?"

A shrewd laugh left her lips as another set of footsteps came in through the door. I smelt him before I saw him. "Oh Willow all in good time" His voice was thick with malice and hate. "We will reveal it all to you soon but you won't be able to tell a soul. See you will be dead but before I let you feel peace in death you will suffer. I told you once you little bitch I am in charge here and no one leaves my pack alive. Now you will pay for your crimes against your alpha and your pack. You are a traitorous" his voice was growing louder dripping with venom "backstabbing Slut" With that a boot came in contact with my head and everything went black.

Chris's Point of View

"Chris what did you do" Athena cried as she held onto Leo. Since we returned to the manor things were tense. I was a mix of black brokenness and raw anger and rage. I never got to tell Willow she had captured my heart and soul. Hell, I didn't even realize it until I was made to speak those words. I wanted to keep her safe. I should have sent her home and locked her in the basement myself, but I didn't I let her come and look at what happened.

"Athena it wasn't me" I slammed my fist on the table. "That fucking bitch was in my head. I fought to regain control but I couldn't." I hadn't realized I was growling until Leo put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at my friend and took a deep breath.

"We will find her Chris. Trixie is working on locating her. We already stormed his house and no one was there." My fists clenched until my knuckles were white and blood dripped from my palm.

"I will rip him limb from limb Leo. I swear to the goddess above if something happens to her." I was cut off as a sob tore from my throat where my anger once resided. "What if something happens to her?" I dropped my head and tears streamed down my face. "I never told her that I loved her. What if I never get the chance to" Athena wrapped her arms around me and was crying. "We will get her back Chris." I wrapped welcomed her hug and wiped my tears. Anger started to replace my sadness my mood swings lately were making my head spin. "Where is Trixie. I want her here now. The longer we wait to find her the less of a chance she has of surviving." My wolf howled in my head agreeing with me.

Leo and Athena went to find Trixie. I looked out my window silently praying to the moon goddess. "Please let her be ok. I need to make this up to her. Everything. I need her in my life and she doesn't even know it."

A knock sounded on the door to my study and a very upset Trixie came walking in with a map. Leo and Athena trailed behind her. "Yes Alpha what is it you want? Cant, you see I am busy trying to find her. Do you think this is easy?"

I wanted to say yes but decided against it. I knew it wasn't easy but I also couldn't risk pissing her off more than I already had "No I don't think this is easy. What have you found out though Trixie." She laid the map out on my desk and showed me all the red dots. "All these dots are possible places she could be. I have removed a few that were faint. That witch Isabella used her blood to send us on a wild goose chase. I will find her Chris. It's just a matter of time"

"We don't have time" I growled.

"Listen Dog! I want her back as bad as you do. In the short time she was here she became my friend too. She never looked at me like I was nothing like most do because I'm a witch. I am doing my damndest to bring her home in one piece. You growling at me and interrupting me is not helping" One thing I learned growing up was witches were below us but you also never piss one-off. Even though Trixie was a good witch I still didn't want on her bad side. I needed her help.

"I'm sorry. What can I do to help?"

"Nothing. I have already contacted some friends to help me. They said they would help locate her. The best thing I can tell you is to go train with your warriors. Stop moping behind this desk and take your aggression out on the field. You will want to be ready for a battle. Once we find her all hell will break loose."

I thought about her words for a moment. "Your right but please I beg you hurry." I got up and started to walk from my office. "Oh, Trixie. Tell the Witches that help you that as my way of thanking them they may stay here and receive sanctuary. As long as they cause no trouble. It's the least I can do for them."

I could see the appreciation spread across her face. "Thank you I will." I nodded my head at her and headed to the training field. I had a lot of pent up frustration and a good round or two would help to release some of it.

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