Chapter 39

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Chris's Point of View

Again as if I blinked my eyes we were in Docs office. I cradled Willow in my arms and ran to the operating room. "Leo go find Doc" I screamed. Her breathing was shallow. I could barely hear her heart beating. I brushed her blood matted hair from her face and kissed her forehead. Tears stained my face "Willow please don't die. Please." Athena was next to me and laid her head on my arm as I held Willow. I didn't remove the dagger knowing that if it was in her heart it would certainly mean death. Doc came in suited up for surgery and checked her over "Chris I'm not sure there is much I can do. She is in very bad shape and she has lost a lot of blood." That statement, even from my oldest and wisest friend, made me growl. "You have to do something, Try at least! You have to save her Doc" I yelled. Trixie stepped forward from the corner she was standing in. "I think I know how we can save her or at least try to save her"

I looked at her waiting to finish her statement. To tell me what she thought would work but it felt like it was taking her forever. "What is it, Trixie?" I barked. She looked at me and for the first time, I could see just how much she cared for Willow. She said once that she was her friend but I never realized it until today just how much she really did. She looked between Doc and me "What If I freeze her. Just like we would a moment in time giving you a chance to fix her wounds and when you're done I can unfreeze her." I looked at Doc. That did actually sound like a solid plan. He looked as if he was pondering over the solution Trixie provided. "So just so I am clear. When you freeze her will she still bleed or will it be like I am operating on a cadaver?"

"Well sorta. She will still be warm but for as long as you need she will not bleed and will not be able to move." She paused. "At least that's my hope. But I must warn you freezing her will freeze her wolf to so it won't be able to help heal her until the procedure is done." She paused and looked straight at me "Chris I need you to understand this has never been done for a situation like this before. I don't know what the outcome will be." Turning back to Doc. "We really need to get started Doc. I can feel her fading more as we speak"

With a nod of his head "Chris lay her down." I shook my head no. I know they needed to fix her but I couldn't bring myself to put her down. What if this was the last time that I got to hold her in my arms. "Now Christopher. We cant help her while you're holding her. If you want us to save her then we need to move" Leo put his hand on my shoulder as if he could understand my pain. Closing my eyes I walked her to the bed and laid her down with a kiss on her forehead. "Come back to me Willow" I whispered in her ear. As soon as I stepped back they went to work. Leo drug me out of the room so I didn't watch what needed to be done. I leaned against the wall in the hall and sunk to the floor. Putting my hands to my face I sobbed and let out all my fears and frustrations, all my anger and sadness. I would make this right. I would make it up to her. I just hoped she lived so that I could.

A few hours had passed and I had not received an update. I had sent Leo and Athena away to go get cleaned up and check on the warriors that came back with us. I was thankful that none of them had been severely injured. Leo linked me while I paced the hall "Chris I have news"

"What is it"

"The warriors we placed outside of Dominic's house came back with a prisoner"

"Why bother me with it. You know the drill through them in the dungeon"

"Well, that's just it. Its Katrina. I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk to her before we do or not"

Anger and hatred coursed through my veins. I had a lot to say to her but right now my place was here "Through her in the hole. A regular cell is to good for her. I will deal with her later."

"Yes Alpha"

"Oh, Leo. No food or water for her either. She can suffer a little just as she made Willow suffer"

The link went quiet. I started to pace again. What was taking Doc and Trixie so long? I tried to link Doc but he had me blocked. I just wanted an update. Were they making progress? Would she fully recover? I sent up a silent prayer to the goddess above when the door opened. Doc and Trixie came out and the look on their faces made my stomach drop. Their faces were blank and full of concern. Doc stretched his back and rubbed his face. Trixie looked tired.

"Well, I think we have successfully fixed her wounds. She has still lost a tremendous amount of blood though. We stitched her scalp, reset her broken bones. She had a lot of internal damage from the beatings and stabbings she received but the dagger just missed her heart. I have repaired everything that I can, Chris. I just hope its enough." It broke my heart to see Doc like this. So forlorn and unsure. He was an amazing doctor and had never let me down before. If Willow didn't make it I knew in my heart of hearts it wouldn't be because he hadn't done everything in his power to save her.

Trixie staggered back against the wall but Doc reached out to steady her. She turned to me looking absolutely exhausted. "I have unfrozen her Chris. She is still hooked up to the ventilator though. Doc has given her medicine to keep her in a coma-like state for a while. Just until she regains her strength and her wolf helps her heal. This is something that has never been done before and I hope that it worked."

Nodding my head up and down "Thank you both. I appreciate all that you have done. Not only for me but for her"

"You are welcome Chris," They said at the same time. Doc patted my shoulder "I would do it again in a heartbeat" Trixie agreed.

"If you both don't mind I'm going to go find an empty bed and lay down for a bit. Teleportation, draining someone's powers and now freezing Willow has got my powers drained." With a nod of our heads, she walked down the hall and into an empty room. I might not agree with her a lot of the time but I owed her big time.

"May I see her Doc?"

He pondered my question for a moment which made me nervous "Yes you may" As I reached for the door "Chris please stay positive. The more positive you are around her the better. She looks dreadful right now but I hope soon that will change."

I nodded my head and entered her room. I was taken aback when my eyes landed on her on the bed. She looked so broken. So weak. Staring down at her though with all the tubes and wires she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. My wolf whimpered in my head and i quietly told him I felt the same. I took her necklace off from around my neck and carefully clipped it behind her head. I hoped that maybe the power in it would keep her safe and bring her back to me. Dragging a chair over from the corner I sat down and held her hand. My eyes felt so heavy so I laid my head down on the edge of the bed and fell asleep listening to the very slow but steady beeping sound of her heart rate on the monitor.

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