Chapter 5

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Going into full on beast mode, I decided it was best if I trained privately. Nothing on the course was safe and I ended up ripping everything apart. All the pain and rage I felt when my father died came back to the surface in full force. Ripping the heads off the last couple training dummies the training course was now nothing but a pile of rubble. I knew it would need replaced but it was in dire need of an upgrade anyways. With my vision and mind dark the need I felt for revenge was growing stronger by the second. Wanting the feel of blood on my hands I turned and stalked towards the manor.

Rounding the corner Leo stood in front of the door with his arms crossed and disappointment written all over his face. As I approached, he yelled out to me "You need to calm down Chris!" As I drew closer to the entrance, I tried to shove past him. Grabbing me by my arm he swung me around, bringing us face to face. "Stop and think about this Chris before you do something you will regret!" My patience at this point was wearing very thin. Yanking my arm out of his grasp and shoving him back "I will regret nothing. Now shut the fuck up and get out of my way. The little Blood Moon is going to get what's coming to her!"

Stepping in my path once again and shoving me back Leo tries to reason with me. "No, I will not. I get it. Your extremely pissed at the moment but there is more to her story then what pack she comes from. Athena and I were there when she talked to Doc and all I can say is either listen to me or calm down and talk to her."

The thin strand of patience I had left snapped. Grabbing him by the upper arms and throw him to the ground a few feet away. Mumbling as I make my way inside "I'm going to talk to her alright!" Throwing open the basement doors I make my way to her cell. Unlocking the heavy silver door not bothered by the burns it causes on my hands as I swing open the door, I decide to shift. My mind was already made up. She was going to die the same way my father did.

Standing in the doorway we watched her sleep. I wanted her awake for what was about to happen and although revenge for me was on the top of my list I wasn't spineless enough to do it while she slept. Although there was very little light filtering into her room, I could still see that she was laying on a blanket in the fetal position. Her golden blonde hair fell over her face, her lips were pressed into a thin line and her brow creased as if she was worried which she should be. Her ice blue eyes flashed into my mind and the longer I stood there the less my wolf wanted to hurt her.

For some odd reason he was feeling pulled to her and I could detect a protectiveness in him surfacing. Shaking my head and pushing him to the back of my mind I didn't want him to interfere with my plans. Revenge would be mine tonight. She was born to our enemy pack and was the daughter of my fathers killer. As if she finally sensed us in the room, she opened her eyes and sat up quickly with a wince. Staring at her I noticed she wasn't afraid but was overcome with more sadness than anything. My wolf fighting me for control and to help ebb the rage that was still surging through my veins.

Staring into my eyes as if she could sense the internal battle, I was having she took a shaky breath and spoke. "If it is okay with you, I would like to say something before you begin." Thinking over her request for a moment I gave her a nod. "I am truly sorry for the pain my father has caused you. I was running for my life last night and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I just wanted to get as far away as I could. If I had known I was here I would have pushed harder to make it somewhere else. I honestly shouldn't have made it out alive and now..." I watched as she hung her head and discreetly wiped her face while taking a shaky breath.

Leo words echoed in my mind and in my moment of lost concentration my wolf forced control and shifted back immediately. Walking over to the girl we kneeled and lifted her chin so that she was looking at us. Staring in her eyes all I could see was despair. "I'm not going to kill you. I want to but you are not the one I want to take my revenge on." More tears spilled down her cheeks, but she said no more. Her last statement prompted my next question, "What do you mean you shouldn't have made it out alive?"

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