Chapter 31

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Chris's Point of View

She laid next to me for what felt like forever but I knew it was only a few hours. Having her near made me feel better. She was my mate after all and we were 2 parts of a whole. She never shifted or spoke just laid there. I was racked with guilt over what I did to her so much so that I had to getaway. I was so ashamed of my actions and the worst part was I knew how to control my wolf. With her heat and her wolf taunting mine, I couldn't stop him. Shifting back I looked to the beautiful white wolf at my side laid my hand on her head and finally spoke.

"Shift for me Willow" She looked up at me and whined. "Please" I watched her close her eyes and then there she was beside me. I put my hand to her neck where I marked her and I couldn't hide the sadness from my face. "I am so sorry Willow. I never meant to do this. I- I just couldn't control myself." I closed my eyes a tear slipped down my face. A warm hand cupped my cheek and a thumb stroked the tear away. I looked up to see her and worry crossed her features.
"I was so worried about you. I could feel how upset you were and I had to find you and make sure you were ok."

I just stared at her. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I thought for sure she would be mad at me for doing it, but here she was worried about me. At that moment I could feel some of the anguish I was feeling disappear. I ran my hand down her arm searching for her hand when I felt something warm and sticky as I brushed her side. Looking down I saw a large scrape down her side that was still bleeding. As if I had no control I reached out to touch and inspect it. I heard her sharply inhale. "Willow your hurt! What the hell happened?"

"They locked me in our room and once I thought of where you might be I had to get out and find you"

My look became very serious as my need to protect this beautiful caring creature increased "Who locked you in?"

She looked down speaking to the ground "They meant me no harm, Chris. They only did it to keep me safe. Everyone is really worried about you and is searching for you right now. Please don't be mad"

"That didn't answer my question, Willow. Who locked you in."

She spoke so softly that I barely heard her "Leo and Athena" I could tell she didn't want to tell me but I needed to know. My wolf howled with anger but in my heart, I knew they did it to honestly protect her and not to cause her pain. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my lap. I didn't want her to be sad.

"I'm not mad Willow. Well I mean I am but I'm not. Just the thought of you being hurt is driving me crazy. That's why I left. I needed a chance to breathe and think. Thinking of what I did to you sent me on this wild rollercoaster of emotions. I was so happy that you were finally mine, mad at myself and my wolf for doing it and sad because I thought you would hate me because I did it."

She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I'm not mad at you Chris. I was happy that you did it. I mean I was mad at first but only because my wolf goaded you and teased you until you did. But its weird I feel whole. And seeing you and knowing that you were ok makes me so happy."

I pulled her close and kissed her pulling back I looked in her eyes and I could see the dark ring in them slowly fading. "Let's go home, Willow. I'll link Leo and let him know we're ok." With a nod and another kiss on the cheek, she slid off my lap but winced when she stood up. "Let me fix that Willow"

"No Chris I'm fine. Let's just go home." I shook my head at her and shifted. "What are you doing" She started to pull away from me but I persisted. Nuzzling her stomach I turned my head and licked her side. "Chris stop I'm fine" She tried to push my head away so I lapped at her side a few more times until I was satisfied that it would heal and started to walk away waiting for her. She took the hint and shifted. I nuzzled her neck and she licked my face. I started to wonder if since we were mated I could talk to her now. Ready to go home

She looked at me with wide eyes I heard that. And yes I am. We took off at a soft trot and eventually started playing around. We tumbled and rolled and in that moment I realized that the trust issues I had with her were gone. She was absolutely perfect and I would do my best to give her the love and attention she deserved. By the time we reached the house, we were trotting side by side constantly touching each other. I couldn't help it I had to be near her. Shifting back I realized I hadn't heard from Leo but it was late and he was probably asleep. Finding some clothes outside we shifted back and walked to the Manor hand in hand.

As we reached the door Leo flung it open frantically "Is she with you?"

Willow and I exchanged looks "Is who with us Leo?" I asked I could see he was distressed but I wasn't sure why. Who would be with me other than Willow?

"Athena. Is she with you all," he growled out.

"No Leo she's not with us."

"Fuck" He was shaking all over "Bella and Athena are the only two not accounted for after we searched for you. Oh, yea thanks for the heads up by the way." He went from upset to despair in a second. "Chris what if something happened to her" I watched as his eyes brimmed with tears.

Grabbing his shoulder "We will find her Leo. I'm sure its nothing". I looked to Willow and she had fear in her eyes. What are you thinking baby? She looked at me and I could see the tears threatening to fall What if she isn't okay Chris.

I shook my head at her and gave her a reassuring smile. I didn't want to talk much about it in front of Leo but I knew what she was thinking Dominic, but the only thing is he wanted Willow, not Athena.

"Leo we will find her. Let us change and we will look. Can you still feel her?"

"Yes I can but it's so distant. Its never been distant and just out of reach the whole time we have been together."

"Give us 5 minutes. Calm down. We will go look" Grabbing Willows hand we headed up the stairs to get ready to go out and search for her.

"I'm coming with you Chris and you can't stop me"

"I'm not planning on it, babe. But you need to stick by me at all times. That's all I ask"

She looked relieved that I wasn't going to stop her and I was glad she agreed to stay with me. I pulled her close and gave her a kiss on her forehead and we headed out.

"Thank you, my dear. Did she give you much trouble?" Dominic stood just in the shadows talking to Bella.

"No, it was easy. She didn't even see me coming." Dominic placed a loving hand on her cheek and gave his daughter a wicked smile.

"Good. Do you remember the plan?"


"Good. I will see you soon my dear" with a smile on her face and a nod of his head she was knocked out cold and her hands and feet bound. Dominic left a note and took off with Athena to wait for his plan to unfold.

Willows Salvation- Crescent Moon Book 1Where stories live. Discover now