Chapter 53

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"Come on Willow Push!"

"I cant! I cant"

"Yes you can Baby Push"

I'm out of breath. My contractions are never-ending and are extremely painful. Doc and Chris keep telling me I can do this but I'm done. I have been in labor with this sweet angel for over 24 hours now. I know I made her a comfortable home and now she doesn't want to come out.

"One more good Push Willow. Come on count to ten. You can do this"

Chris sits me up and I push. I'm getting light-headed from the exertion and not breathing while I push.

"We have a head. One more time Luna you can do this." I feel him snip something and I sit up and scream. Pushing my little baby out into the world. I cant wait to see her but I also can't wait to sleep. I was so stupid to not take the pain meds. I hear a small baby cry and Doc hands Chris a pair of scissors to cut the cord.

"Where are they taking her?"

"They are cleaning her up sweetheart. She is perfect"

He kisses my head as Rashell brings her over to me laying her on my chest. "She is gorgeous. Oh, goddess Chris look what we made."

He kisses the top of her head. "Hello, sweetheart. We have waited a long time to meet you."

"Willow, we're not done yet. I need you to push again"

"What. I already had her! Why?"

"Because apparently the Moon Goddess has blessed you with a surprise."

I look at Chris before Rashell takes my baby girl away and another contraction wracks my body.

Chris looks to Doc "What do you mean a surprise"

"Willow Push!" He yells. "There is a second baby"

I push and push. It doesn't take as long for this little baby to come out. "One more time Willow and he will be out!"

"He?" Chris and I say at the same time. I push once more and I am no longer in pain. "Yes its a boy"

Chris cuts the cord and they take him to get cleaned up before I get to hold him too! "We had twins. We have 2 babies a boy and a girl Chris." I'm smiling and crying as I hold both of my babies. We are being wheeled into my room so I can recover and I can't stop looking at my beautiful babies. They both have cubby cheeks although he a smaller than she is. I haven't seen the color of their eyes since they haven't opened them yet but she has beautiful blonde hair as I do and he has brown like his daddy. They both also look exactly the same just different hair colors and gender.

Chris sits on the side of the bed and just looks at them with amazement. Kissing the top of my head "Well what are we going to name them?"

I smile and look at both of them. They are sleeping so soundly. I yawn and look to him. "I don't know. I have some ideas though. Tell me what you think. For our sweet little girl, I was thinking of naming her, Talia Rose. And for our son Xander Ryan." I look back to him and he nods saying each name slowly. "I think that they are perfect" I yawn again and my eyes start to droop. Chris takes the babies giving me a kiss. "Get some rest sweetheart. I will watch over them. I love you Willow!"

"I love you too Chris"

2 days later

I get to go home today. I can't get enough of my little tiny angels. They opened their eyes yesterday evening and come to find out they both have 1 blue and 1 green eye. It makes them so unique. We are to introduce them to the pack this evening so we make our way home after I'm discharged. We make our way home "Oh no Chris We need an extra crib. I only bought one!" Chris went and bought the extra car seat last night. "Athena tells me that she has a surprise for you when we get home" I smile knowing Athena she already took care of it.

Pulling up in front of the Manor I whisper to Talia and Xander "We are home my darlings." Talia Coos and looks at me while Xander still sleeps. Chris helps me out of the car and then takes both car seats. I'm still a little bit sore but Doc said I should be fully healed by tomorrow and no later than the next day. Athena throws the door open and yells for Leo and Trixie "They are home They are home!" She runs past me and grabs one of the car seats from Chris and starts Baby talking to Talia who coos right back. Leo takes my arm and Trixie grabs the other car seat holding Xander. "They are adorable." Chris picks me up when his hands are free and we make our way upstairs. We stop in front of the nursery and Athena walks up to me "I hope you like it, Willow. Trixie and I worked on for the last few days and Leo had to be the handyman."

She slowly opened the door and I start to cry. There were 2 cribs 2 changing tables, 2 dressers. They had painted the walls half and half. Purple and Blue. Chris set me down and I walked in. The reading nook was the same just had a bigger chair. There were little mobiles hanging above the cribs with a crescent moon and wolves hanging below it. "Oh, you guys its absolutely perfect." I can see Athena visibly relax while holding Talia. Trixie looks at me "He is going to be strong and wise. He may be small now but I can feel his strength." That makes me smile.

"Well, ladies lets let them settle in and go get the ballroom ready for the introductions," Leo says.

"Leo I want one" Athena wines as he walks her out of the room.

"Congrats Willow and Chris. The witches and I have a special gift for them. I will give it at the introduction ceremony"

"Thank you Trixie" She nods and leaves, leaving us alone with the babies.

We go into our room and I lay them down on our bed. We bought one of those beds that joins ours on my side but I'm not ready to lay them in it yet. They reach out their tiny hands and touch each other. It's such a sweet motion. "They will be close Baby. I know it" Chris comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder. "I truly hope so". I pat his hands and just relax back into him.

"When do we need to be at the Introduction Ceremony?"

"We have to leave in 4 hours. Why don't you lie down for a while sweetheart? I will get you up soon."

He picks up the babies and leaves the room. It's amazing to see how fast he comes into fatherhood. That man amazes me every day!

When I woke up I ran to check on the babies to find Chris asleep with them in the rocker. I crossed my arms and just etched this memory in my mind. I got my phone and took a photo before getting dressed. I wore a simple blue gown that flared at the waist to hide what was left of my belly. I added a light layer of makeup and pinned my hair back. I grabbed the Twins from Chris and he woke with a fright. "Its okay Chris. I got them"

He rubbed his face "Oh goddess I thought I dropped them"

I laughed at him and sent him to go get ready. We really had to go.

The ceremony was quick and many presents and congratulations were presented to the twins and ourselves. Each one beautiful in their own way but my favorite was the ones from the Witches. They had enchanted them so they would protect them always. One was a silver crescent moon and the other the Whole moon with a crescent shape missing from it. They never once cried even when the pack before us cheered. I was truly amazed at the response. Tonight was amazing and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us!

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