Chapter 43

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Chris's Point of View

I hadn't planned for today to go like this. I didn't want to tell her yet about her mother. I honestly didn't feel like she was strong enough yet to handle it yet, but here we were heading down to see her. I had only gone down to tell her that her daughter was alive which in return pissed me off because she didn't give a shit. What kind of mother doesn't care about their child? I held onto her hand tightly as we made our way down the steps. She asked me if I would stay with her. Of course, I would. I wouldn't leave her alone with that bitch unless she asked me to. Maybe I should have killed her when I had the chance and Willow would have been none the wiser, but I didn't want our new life and relationship to start that way.

She stopped at the bottom of the steps and I could feel she was starting to shake. "Willow, sweetheart, we can go back. You don't have to see her today or any day if you don't want to!"

She took a deep breath which I thought was either to steady herself or to help her catch her breath. She never answered me only looked at me with a partial smile and started to walk forward. When I motioned for the guards to open the door she just stood and stared. I had her chained with silver around her neck and wrists. I was taking no chances of her escaping or shifting. She slowly lifted her head and disgust played on her face. If it wasn't for Willow I would have ripped her head off.

"Ahh so the little slut has come to see her mother." Her voice dripped with venom and sarcasm "What have you come to take away from me this time?"

"I never took anything away from you. You did that all on your own" I looked at her. The nervous shaking I felt earlier had turned to nerves of steel. Her expression was blank. Not even her eyes showed any emotion.

"Oh really. My home, my mate, my lover, my happiness. Just to name a few"

"Actually mom I just came to get some answers. I never took those things from you though since you want to bring it up. Actually Stephen tried to save me unlike you. You watched as Dominic did those things to me and never said a word"

"Ahh yes. But honey you deserved them all"

"No mom I didn't. I was a child. I needed you more than anything and instead of being there for me you made me feel like it was all my fault. Except now I see it wasn't"

"I should have killed you before you were born. You have brought me nothing but torment since the day I peed on that stick"

"Watch how you talk to my mate Katrina." I piped in

"Fuck off Alpha. I will talk to my daughter however I see fit"

I started to step towards her but Willow grabbed my arm to stop me. I felt something in her shift.

"No mom Fuck you. You are nothing but a horribly miserable wolf who can't take responsibility for your own life choices. I am not the little defenseless girl that you used to know. I have been through things meant to break and kill the average wolf but I have survived despite all the odds. You, however, will not."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Katrina really didn't understand the position she was in. I watched as Willow walked up to her mother and place a hand on her face. "I forgive you, mom"

Trying to pull her head away "I don't need your forgiveness bitch. You think I cry myself to sleep at night thinking of what happened to you. NO! I wish it was worse. I wish you weren't standing here in front of me"

"Wrong answer mom. Either way, I forgive you not for you but for me. If I don't I will end up a bitter dried up old drunken whore like you" Katrina's eyes grew wide and you could see the anger coursing through her veins. She tried to lunge at Willow but the chains stopped her.

"Fuck you Willow"

"No mom Fuck you." She turned to me and grabbed onto my arms. I could tell she was beginning to get exhausted and needed to rest. She looked up to me. "I want her used as an example of what happens when you mess with the Crescent Moon pack."

A half-smile crept onto my face. "What do you have in mind" I watched as she turned around to face her mother. "I want her executed publicly. I want everyone to see the pain she has brought me and the rest of the pack."

To say I was proud of her was an understatement. At that moment she was acting as a true Luna should. She gave her mother the chance to make amends but when she didn't she laid down the law. Loving but tough. Just what this pack needed. Just what I needed.

"I need to lay down for a bit. Let's go. I am done here."

"Goodbye, mom. May the moon goddess show you mercy."

For the first time since Katrina was brought here I saw actual fear on her face. "Wait When will it happen"

"That's for me to know and you not to"

With that, we walked out of the hole and made our way back to the basement dungeon. I had to carry her the rest of the way to our room but it was worth it. I was so proud. Here I thought she wasn't strong enough but she was. I really needed to stop underestimating her. I laid her on out bed and when I went to walk away she held onto my arm.

"Will you lay with me for a little while?"

Looking at the clock I realized it was earlier than I thought. "Yes, Willow I will. Maybe later we can still have that picnic."

"She nodded her head in agreement but I could just tell something weighed on her mind. "What's wrong"

"We need to talk Chris" My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Her tone had me worried and it didn't help she wasn't looking at me when she said it.

I laid next to her pulling her close. Leaning up on one elbow so I could still see her face. "What's wrong" I tried to sound casual but the worry edged my tone.

"I know that we are destined mates. I know that you were forced to reject me. But I need to know if you still want to be mates with me. Your mark is fading with each passing day and I..." She didn't finish her sentence. I could tell this had plagued her mind for a while.

"Willow I do want you. I want to be your mate and I hope you will still have me"

She rolled over and kissed me. "Of course I will have you"

"Let's get some sleep now. We can talk more after our nap. There is a lot to figure out and I want to do this properly this time"

With a yawn, she agreed and laid her head on my chest. It wasn't long until she was asleep and I soon followed.

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