Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning with a feeling I couldn't quite put my finger on. Never before had I felt such immense pleasure. Dread, disgust, sadness, pain, Yes! Pleasure, ecstasy, dare I say, Love, No! I stretched my arms over my head lazily and stretched realizing I was alone and still naked in his bed. Rolling over I placed my hand in the spot that Chris laid last night. It was cold, proving to me that he hadn't been there for a while. Sitting up I looked around the room hoping to find him still there but he wasn't. I got up and grabbed some clothes from the dresser. Choosing a pair of Camo yoga pants and a black tank top I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. His sent was still on me swirling around filling my senses. Taking a deep breath I didn't want to wash it off but part of me filled with dread. Why did he leave me and where did he go. Did he just use my body to gain his release? Then my heart battled my brain, no he wouldn't do that you decided on a fresh start. What kind of start would it be if he did that?

My stomach growled involuntarily so I decided to head downstairs and get something to eat. Maybe Athena would be down there and she would have an answer as to where Chris was. I rubbed the necklace he gave me as I walked down the steps. It brought me a little bit of comfort. Giving me his mothers Luna necklace was a big step even if it was for my protection. It was so beautiful and it showed me that he really did want a fresh start. The smell of sausage and french toast filled the air. Athena was standing at the stove making breakfast. I walked over and got a cup of coffee and she turned to look at me. A huge goofy grin spreading across her face. "What," I said.

"So how was your night" As the words left her lips she raised her eyebrows up and down.

"What do you mean?" I had a feeling I knew what she was talking about but I wanted her to say it out loud.

"Willow seriously" this time she raised one eyebrow her smile still in place. "How was your night," she said again. Damn, she knew. Images of last night filled my head his hands on my body the way his kisses left a blazing trail down my neck, how having him inside me made me feel whole. I could feel the smile spread across my face and the blush creep up my cheeks.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said turning away from her.

"Oh, I think you do. It's not like you all were quiet about it."

Embarrassment set in. Was I that loud? Still feining innocense "I don't know what you're talking about. We went to bed and then went to sleep"

Rolling her eyes "Whatever, don't tell me."

In a desperate act to change the subject "Where is Chris anyways?"

"Why looking for round 2?"

"Athena, No," I pushed her lightly. I noticed her face became serious for a moment "What is it?" I asked.

"He left with the warriors to visit the packs surrounding us."

"Why? Was there another attack?"

Shaking her head no "He wants to make sure we are all in alliance in case another attack does happen. They have always called upon us if they needed help so Chris wants to make sure that If we need them they will be there"

A sense of dread took me over. I knew that there would be more attacks. I knew my father. The darkness inside of me started to grow. Athena grabbed me and hugged me. "Willow it's going to be ok. You are safe here. Chris is taking the attack on you very seriously and we won't let anything happen to you." My throat started to constrict and I could feel the lump rising as my eyes started to burn tears threatening to fall. "But Athena"

Standing back she placed her hands on my shoulders "No Buts Willow. You are safe here. Trixie protected the house and the necklace you wear is enchanted to protect you too. We would never let anything happen to you. Do you understand?"

I shook my head up and down but I knew I would have to leave here. The darkness inside me started to grow. I couldn't stand the thought of them getting hurt. I knew my father wouldn't stop. That witch wouldn't stop. I couldn't let what happened to Tilly happen to them. I couldn't stand another death on my behalf happen and lay on my soul. I would need to find a way out just how. Athena set a plate of food in front of me handing me a fork. "Here eat. You're going to need to rebuild your strength after last night" She said giving me a wink. I ate in silence thinking of how I would feel when I left. Chris was my mate and though it wasn't official I could still feel the connection between us. When we touched how it fit together like we were one. How would that feel when we were apart.

"Do you need help with the dishes?" I asked her once we were both done eating.

"Nope, I got it. Thanks though"

With a nod of my head, I left the kitchen. I needed to figure out a way to get out of here. I had to find a way to protect them. They had done so much for me already and I needed to do this for them. I stopped in the foyer and caught my reflection in the mirror. I noticed that my eyes looked different than normal. They were still the same ice blue that they always were but around my pupils were black and it looked like it was vining out to the rest of my irises. I needed to take a drink of that potion Trixie left but I couldn't bring myself to walk up the stairs. Maybe if I let the darkness fill me leaving would be easier.

I decided to go back upstairs and I laid down in bed. I stared at the vile of purple liquid on my dresser then rolled over. I wasn't going to take it. I closed my eyes a cried. I could already feel my heart being torn in two. Leaving home was an easy decision with only a few regrets. One being that Tilly sacrificed her life for me and two being the danger I put just by staying in this pack. Athena had become my best friend. Chris was my mate and Leo was a friend. Trixie and Doc saved me more times and were great to me. These people were slowly becoming my family. The thought of losing them had sobs tearing from my throat. I had to keep them safe. I had to find a way to leave. Even if I died in the process I had to do it to keep them safe.

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