Chapter 27

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I looked to the clock that was mounted above the main entrance. 11:30 pm. I was standing with Athena getting a drink of punch. My vision had blurred a few times throughout the night but I just figured it was all the twirling I did. No one asked me to dance but Chris and I swear we danced to almost every song. Each time we danced he pulled me a little closer than before. He would whisper in my ear and tell me I looked beautiful and not to worry about everyone staring. He told me how he was glad I was here but that would be the end of our conversation. Sweat started to bead on my brow and a sharp pain ran through my stomach. I put one arm around my stomach and used Athena for support with the other. Chris was standing across the room talking with some of his warriors and Leo. Athena looked at me with worry in her eyes and I looked up to see Chris with the same look. "Willow are you ok?" she said placing both hands under my arm. I started to see stars for just a moment. "Yea I'm fine. I guess its just too much laughing and dancing. Where is the bathroom, Athena?" She pointed in the corner of the room "Want me to come with you?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm just going to splash water on my face. I will be right back." I walked away and Chris came up to Athena. 

"What's wrong" He was so serious. 

Athena sat and thought about it for a moment and blindly said as she stared after me. "Nothing I guess." She was second-guessing her answer. She had the feeling that something wasn't right but couldn't place her finger on it. 

I stared at myself in the mirror using one of the hand towels to blot my skin with cold water. The shooting pains in my stomach kept coming more and more and the cold water wasn't helping. Leaving the bathroom I started to get hot. There were a lot of people here so it was pretty warm. The gown I was wearing was thick so that must be it. Looking up to the clock it said 11:58 pm. The moon would be at full height soon. I walked back to Athena weaving around the crowd with my arm around my waist. Every time pain would shoot through me my features would distort. With every step, I took I wanted to go home. I found Athena standing where I left her. Chris had taken his spot in front of the band and started counting down. 30, 29, 28

"Athena I'm going home. I don't feel well."

She looked at me and felt my head. My body was so hot. Another pain shot through me causing me to double over and swear was starting to drip down my face. 17, 16, 15. Athena's eyes grew as big as saucers. It finally hit her. "Fuck," she said grabbing my arm. "Willow has Chris claimed you yet, like has he marked you as his?" 8,7,6 I shook my head no. 

"Double fuck." She grabbed my arm and tried to find a way out but we were surrounded. Another pain but this one brought me to my knees. My body was starting to heal from the inside out like lava flowed through my veins. My wolf pranced and howled in my head. 2,1

In the midst of the howling, my screams were buried. Willow got down to my level and grabbed my face "Willow we have to go. NOW! You're in heat." My eyes grew wide with what she said but my body wouldn't move. My eyes were glazing over and  I was becoming increasingly horny by the second. It wasn't long until we were surrounded by a group of unmated males who could smell my heat. Athena tried to grab me up and pull me through the crowd. Men reached out and clawed at me. Chris let out a low growl and the warriors went into action pulling them off of us. I fell to the floor in pain again and let out another scream. My eyes turning black. Chris made his way to us. 

"What's wrong." But as soon as he was close he could smell me. "Damn it" He looked up at the moon and realized what the hell was going on. He leaned down and grabbed me up internally fighting with his wolf. I started to paw at his shirt. My wolf was in complete control. I was nipping at his ear when Leo came over and took me from his arms. "Take her and get her safe Leo. I will keep them back." With a nod, Leo took off with me screaming behind him as another pain racked my body. Thank goddess he was Athena's mate, my being in the didn't bother him. He laid me in the backseat of his car and I let out a howl. Chris came running out followed by a group of men. Banging on the trunk he yelled go. Tires screeched and the car pulled away. 

Chris let out a deep growl. Each of the men stopped when I was out of sight turning to their Alpha. "Go back to the dance NOW! She is mine"

Someone in front spoke up "If she is yours Alpha why haven't you mated her yet. Since she's not marked she is free game." The stupid idiot took off running but didn't make it far before Chris wore his Alpha face grabbing him around the throat and slamming him into the ground. "No, She isn't. Touch her and Death will be the punishment" The man nodded up and down and Chris let him go. Once he was satisfied no one was going to the manor he took off at a run to get there. Making his way through the front door he ran upstairs to find his room empty and the window open. "Damn it" he yelled. He ran back downstairs to find Leo coming up from the basement. "Where is she?" he growled. 

Leo put his hands up in a way that said calm down "We had to lock her up Chris. Athena is down there with her trying to calm her down. I wouldn't go down there, Chris." 

Chris ignored his beta and ran downstairs to see Willow almost wild. She pulled at the bars of the door while Athena stood on the other side. She saw Chris and ran to him putting her hands on his chest. "Let her out she doesn't need to be locked up" 

"Yes, she does Chris. She is feral right now. She wants to mate and right now she doesn't care that the Moon goddess has declared you mates"

His eyes shifted back and forth from black to green. He was fighting his wolf to keep control and he was winning. Another scream tore from her lips as she fell to the ground writhing in pain. "How long does this last Athena?"

"As long as the moon is full so about 3 days."

Leo grabbed his arm. "Come on let's go. It's best you don't watch or am around her right now." 

"I can't leave her like this"

"Yes, you can Come on." He let Leo lead him back upstairs and close the door. "Its what's best for her and for you. You don't want to mark her if you're not serious about her being your mate Chris." 

Shaking his head up and down "Why don't you and Athena stay in town for a few days. With her screaming, it will be hard for you to get any rest. I will stay behind and make sure she is safe." They both gave him a questioning look. 

Athena spoke up "Are you sure You will be fine with her by yourself?"

"Yes, I'm fine now. I'm far enough away that I can't smell her anymore and I have control of my wolf again" It was mostly the truth

She turned to Leo to get his input and he stared at his Alpha for a moment and nodded his approval. "Come on my dear let's go pack some clothes. He will be fine." looking to Chris. "I will be back in the morning to check on you and give you the reports. 

With a nod, Chris went to check all windows and doors to make sure they were locked. He waited for them to come back downstairs so he could lock the last one.  Knowing word would spread quickly and more unmated males would come he wanted to make sure they couldn't get in. Chris and Leo clamped arms and Leo leaned in "Don't do something you will regret. If you need me I'm a call away"

With a nod, they left and Chris went upstairs. He laid down in bed and fell into a restless sleep. 

Wow, I am on a roll tonight. It's just flowing and I can't keep it from you so as I am writing it I'm posting it. Tell me what you think. 

What's going to happen now that they are alone?

Willows Salvation- Crescent Moon Book 1Where stories live. Discover now