Chapter 37

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Chris's Point of View

Just as if I blinked my eyes we were in a totally different area. It was much colder here and we were surrounded by thick woods. I could hear a wolf howling off in the distance and I just knew that was them. I turned around and looked at Leo to confirm my suspicions and he nodded his head. "Are you ready"

I shook my head and looked at each one of the warriors and witches that came with us. They all nodded in agreement. "Let's shift. Witches find a wolf and hang on. This is going to be a battle to the death and I want to thank all of you for standing by me in this mission knowing that it might be your last. If you want to back out, now is the time to do it" I took a pause and when no one spoke up I nodded "Let's Move!" Silently in my head, I sent Willow a message although I knew she couldn't hear it. Willow hang on. I'm coming!

Willow's Point of View

Dominic stalked up to me claws extended. Bella stood in the background with a grin on her face. I so wish I could wipe it off. That nasty witch stood behind her just watching. I wasn't sure really why she had sided with them but I knew she was bad news. Grabbing me by my hair I could feel his claws scrape my scalp as he yanked me to my feet "So again you think you can run away from me and get away with it. How stupid are you really? Haven't you learned by now that I always get what I want? And right now" he paused as another nasty smile spread across his face and he looked me up and down "your death is what I want." He looked to Bella "How much longer until that shot wears off Bella?" She tried to calculate it up in her head "I would say a few more hours father." I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. I hated her and wished it was her in my position instead of me.

My head was slammed against the tree I could feel the blood running down the side. I looked to Dominic through the stars and dark spots in my vision. His hand was on my throat and I wasn't sure how it got there so fast. I could feel my wolf starting to come back but I feared she wouldn't surface in time. I looked at the man standing in front of me. What was I doing? I couldn't die like this. I needed to fight back. I needed to at least try. Deep down I knew it was no use but I had to do something. I pulled my arm back as far as it would go and punched him in the cheek. "Fuck you Dominic" I did manage to move his head a little bit but when he turned back to me he seemed unfazed. "Go ahead Mutt. Fight back. I like them fiesty." Was he really giving me an invitation to try to set myself free? No this was all a game to him. A game I was going to finally play.

I swung my leg and kicked him in the crotch. That time I knew I did hurt him because he let me go and dropped to one knee. A very angry hiss left his lips. I knew he would compose himself quickly so I tried to run. Once I put weight on my ankle it caved but I pushed through. I went as fast as I could but Bella tackled me to ground. I managed to kick her off of me for a second, honestly pretty impressed with my fight or flight skills kicking in, and tried to scramble to my feet. A fist landed in my stomach and I realized that Dominic had regained himself. I again tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg and twisted it sending me to the ground. Grabbing me by my neck he hoisted me from the ground. Bella came up behind and pinned my arms behind my back.

Punch after punch landed on my face my stomach my ribs. He stood back and watched me as I hung my head low. I wanted this to be over. I wanted the darkness inside to consume me. I so wished that I had something in me that was magical but the truth was I was just an ordinary wolf. I wished that he was dead and that I was back at the manor with Athena and Leo and Chris. He extended one claw dragging it from the base of my throat to my navel efficiently slicing off what was left of the ragged torn shirt that I was wearing and into my tender flesh causing me to scream "Don't worry Mutt. When I'm done I will gut you like a fish and you will feel it all." I looked up to him and spit the blood that was gathering in my mouth in his face. Again not my wisest move but it made me feel better. A low growl erupted from his throat and he threw me down to the ground again. I welcomed the snow on my burning, battered and bruised skin. It helped to numb the pain.

As I lay there I heard him say something to Bella but I was sure he busted one of my eardrums when he punched me in the side of the head. From what I could see and maybe I was wrong but he was sending her away. She looked a little ticked off and was pointing down at me. Soon she was walking off and Dominic turned his attention back to me. I was starting to slip in and out of consciousness. He leaned down beside me and grabbed ahold of my face making me look at him. I didn't want to look at him. I closed my eyes thinking of Chris in the garden talking to me about his fairy houses but he broke through my dream. "I thought you would have learned last time Slut but apparently you never understood. Let me refresh your memory before I take it all away."

He flipped me over onto my back and I realized just what he was about to do. The same thing he did to me when I ran away that night. Adrenaline started pumping through my veins again and my fight complex kicked in. Goddess, I wished that shot would wear off already. He grabbed ahold of my pants and ripped them down the side. I started to kick and struggle to get away when he grabbed me around my neck. Climbing on top of me he started to hit and claw at his face. I stuck my thumb in his eye while I used my other hand to push his face up. Tears streaming down my face this couldn't be happening again. I pushed harder and he grabbed my wrist snapping it backward with a snap. I screamed with the pain that coursed through my arm. I bucked even harder to get off of him. A searing ball of sobs was stuck at the base of my throat. I wanted to let them out but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

I bucked once more to try and unseat him but it did no good. I could feel him lower himself between my legs and I just turned my head. I waited for him to use my body but it never came. I looked up to see Dominic had been thrown against a tree by a wolf. It came up to me a nuzzled my face. Wait I knew that fur I tried to sit up and look around trying not to be too hopeful when I saw Trixie, Athena, Leo and a bunch of people I didn't recognize. They came for me. Oh, my goddess, he came for me. Relief flooded my body and my adrenaline faded. The pain became to great and I let myself slip into the darkness.

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