Chapter 52

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3 Months Later.....

Chris has been treating me like a little doll that could break at any moment. I'm halfway through my pregnancy now and only have 2 months left to go. Being a wolf I'm only pregnant for 5 months instead of 9 which is nice. Athena has been helping me set up the nursery. We picked the room that joins ours. So far we have it just cleaned out and cleaned up. I want to wait until we know the gender before we do anything else, and lucky for me today is the day. Chris is supposed to go with me but an emergency call from another pack left me alone today.

I make my way to the pack hospital saying hello to so many along the way. I remember the day we announced to everyone that I was pregnant. The whole pack cheered and sent us congratulations. I'm thankful that my morning sickness, as Doc called it, only lasted a few weeks. As I walk in the door Rashell comes over to me "Luna we have the room set up for you. This way"

I smile at her and follow behind. It's dark with just a bed and an ultrasound. So far all my scans and bloodwork have come back perfectly. I am a little sad that I cant share this with Chris today but I am so excited that I get to see my baby again. Doc walks in and is putting on gloves. "Good morning Willow"

"Morning Doc."

"How are you feeling today"

"Great. I'm really excited to see if we're having a sweet baby boy or girl"

He giggles and smiles "Me too." I pull my shirt up showing off my very large belly. I swear this baby is sticking its behind out all the time. "This will be cold" The goo goes on and then I hear the sweet sound of my little one's heartbeat. Thump thump thump thump thump thump. "Hmmm" I look to Doc. He is concentrating on the monitor moving the ultrasound all around. He puts it down and pushed my stomach in a weird way. I can feel the baby move and kick obviously not happy with the interruption. He puts the ultrasound on my stomach again and starts searching.

I giggle a little to myself. This baby doesn't want to cooperate!

" There's a foot..... A little hand...... Aww, they are already sucking their thumb." We laugh and explore my baby as best we can while Doc takes measurements. I love seeing my baby. I would get scans every day if I could! "Well, are you ready to see the sex of your baby!"

I squeal excitedly. "Yes, please. I will be able to finish the nursery now!

"Alright. And.... It looks ..... like.... you are having......... A girl"

A huge smile creeps over my face and I start to cry tears of happiness. "A girl! Really Doc!" He is printing some pictures for me. "Yes, Luna. Its a girl. Congratulations" We hug and I get cleaned up. I ask Doc not to tell so I can surprise Chris. I am looking down at the photos as I walk through town back to the manor. A girl. I'm having a girl. I place my hand on my belly. I am so excited. I'm almost home when a feeling of doubt washes over me. Questions start popping in my mind and I grip my belly tighter.

What if Chris doesn't want a girl? What if he hates her like my parents hated me? What if he ends up hating me for not giving him a male firstborn? I look up the road towards the manor then I walk off to my right. I walk into the woods and put my wall up so Chris cant link me. I need some time. I need to keep my baby safe. I won't let what happened to me happen to her. I take my clothes off after I'm far enough away that no one can see me. I shift grabbing my clothes and take off to the secret lake. No one will find me there and I can come up with a plan to keep my baby safe.

Chris's Point of View

I am so excited to finally reach pack territory. I haven't heard from Willow at all today I am getting worried. It took longer than expected to help our neighbors. I wanted to know if we were having a little boy or girl. I don't care either way I'm just excited to be a dad. I reach the manor and Athena is pacing back and forth. I can tell something is wrong and I run straight past her upstairs. "Willow..... Willow" I run into our room and she isn't there. I search the other rooms before heading back downstairs. "Athena!" I bark "Where is Willow?"

Tears stream down her face. "I dont know. She isn't answering her phone and I cant link her!"

"Where was she last going"

"To see Doc"

I run out the door and to the pack hospital. "DOC!" I scream. He comes out of a room and looks me over

"What's wrong Alpha?"

"Where is Willow?"

"What do you mean? She left this morning"

"What time did she leave"

"10 this morning. What's wrong Christopher"

"Damn it. DAMN IT! She's missing"

I turn around and walk away slamming my fist into the wall. I link the warriors and Leo "Your Luna is Missing! Find her"

"Yes Alpha" comes over the link and I make my way through town. Trying to pick up her scent but the wind started to blow making it hard. I took off into the woods while everyone else searched the town and the surrounding area. I went to our secret lake hoping that she was there. Sure enough there she laid next to the water. I linked the pack telling them she was found. I could hear her whimpering and I sprinted towards her. She looked at me, the fur under her eyes wet from tears. I shift back and sit beside her. "Willow what are you doing here. I have everyone searching for you. Is there something wrong with the baby? Please shift back and talk to me"

It takes her a few minutes before she does. When she is human again she cries and turns away from me. I put my hand on her back "Willow. Baby. What's wrong"

She catches her breath and looks at me "The baby is fine. I just have to keep her safe. I won't allow her to be treated the way I was. I can't let her go through that!"

I look at her and a smile spreads across my face making her look confused "Were having a girl"

Cautiously "Yea. Its a baby girl" I grab her up and spin her around causing her to laugh. "WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!" I scream. I am so excited. Then it hits me what she said. I set her back down and pull her close. "Willow. Sweetheart. I am so happy. I want you to know that I would never hurt our daughter. She will always be loved by me as you will." I lean down and kiss her belly "Hello my little princess. This is your daddy and I cant wait to meet you!"

She puts her hands in my hair "Your not mad that I didn't give you a boy first" I can feel how perplexed she is. I know this must be confusing. She was hated growing up for being a girl.

I stand and gently grab her face tilting it up so I can look into her eyes. "I would never be mad. Any child is a gift from the goddess above and I can't wait to meet her and spoil her."

"Oh, Chris" She throws her arms around my neck and we hold each other before the wind whips and causes her to shiver.

"Let's go home sweetheart. We have a pack that's anxious to hear what our little one is!"

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