Chapter 15

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I felt so groggy the next morning. The events of last night playing over and over in my head. The Bar, the fight with Bella, the intimate meeting with Chris, my father and that high pitched awful sound, how the pack came to my rescue. It all seemed to happen so fast. Then the Witch that paralyzed me with a spell I needed to thank her. Although I could hear the sound it didn't hurt anymore and Doc for knowing her in the first place. Here I was in a new pack with no family albeit Athena quickly took the position of Best Friend/ Sister I never had but still I was from the Red Moon Pack. An outsider. I would need to find a way to thank them all for not only once saving my life but twice.

I could feel the hot air hitting my arm and realized it was Chris asleep there on the side of the bed. He looked so peaceful yet concern was knit on his brow. My hand was still encased with his and if I was being honest I really liked it. They fit together like two puzzle pieces perfectly matched and they were surprisingly soft. A strand of hair lay on his forehead and I wanted to brush it out of the way so I could just stare at his face. I slowly reached my hand over to do that but when I touched his forehead I gave him a static shock causing him to stir. Lifting his head and rubbing the spot on his forehead where my finger decided to electrocute him he saw me staring, a wide smile spread across his face. I never realized how perfectly straight and white his teeth were. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"I want to thank you for last night. You could have just made your life easier and left me there or handed me over to my father but you didn't. That's the second time you have saved me from him. I am eternally grateful Christopher."

He looked at me with such caring in his eyes I wanted to melt. Reaching his hand over he placed it gently on my cheek "You are most welcome Willow. Would it have made my life easier probably but I wouldn't change having you here and safe for anything? How are you feeling by the way?"

"Better. The sound is gone and I'm a little groggy. What was that anyway? Did you hear it? It was oh I don't even know how to describe it. I just know it is gone now. Thank goddess."

His look became very serious all of a sudden and he reached down to grip mine holding it gently tight. "No Willow I couldn't hear it nor could anyone else. Dominic, your father, has found a witch who practices dark magic. He used your unsevered pack link to get to you." He paused noticing the look on my face.

"Black magic. Seriously. Like witches and warlocks magic? I heard the stories growing up but never had I ever seen one in person. How in the hell did he find one to do that. He must be pretty desperate to go to this extent. What is he doing with a Witch on his side?"

"I don't know Willow. But I thought about this last night and I don't want you to go anywhere unprotected or chaperoned. Leo or I must accompany you. Please don't give me that look. It is for your protection."

The Alpha part of him was taking over and the gentle sweet Chris who saved me last night and just caressed my face was fading.

"You can't be serious Christopher?"

"The Witch Trixie that Doc had to call last night said and Dominic said out of his own mouth they used Dark Magic on you Willow. They have found a way to single you out by your pack link. Don't you get it? I'm not doing this to be an Ass Hole. I'm doing it to protect you. Trixie said she severed your pack link mostly but that wasn't going to stop it completely should they decide to use it on you again."

"Can't she just severe it completely then."

"It is not that simple!"

"Why not?"

"Because even for a witch there is only so much she could do. The rest is up to me" He snapped at me with frustration.

"What does that mean?"

He realized what he just said and that he let out something he hoped he could keep from her for a while longer. At least until he could figure things out.


"Trixie said that the only way to severe it completely is to be mated into another pack and accepted by the Alpha." He averted his eyes from me for just a moment.

I heard what he said and my heart grew heavy. I knew that that would never happen. He would never accept me as his mate or the Luna to his pack. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. It was either my father relinquish me from the pack or Chris accepted me into his. And neither of those were going to happen. The look of hurt crossing his features broke me even more. He cared enough about me to want me to be safe but not enough about me to accept me. The urge to get some air and run came on strong.

Getting up out of bed I stumbled a bit but regained my balance quickly. I couldn't look at him or I was going to break. Honestly, I didn't know why being rejected by him hurt me so bad. Damn Mate thing.

"Thank you for saving me. I know you, cant mate, with me and I sort of understand why. I need to get some air" I started walking towards the bedroom door

"Willow Wait". He shouted, "Listen to me". I stopped holding onto the door frame. "It's not that I want you to keep hurting. I just need to figure things out. I don't know you that well. I don't know if I can trust you. I just need time. Its been said by the goddess herself. Out destinies intertwined. But I need time to sort it out. I need to do what's best for the pack. You understand don't you?"

I listened to what he had to say but I never looked at him. I didn't want him to see the tears running down my face. I wanted to go outside but decided that if he would ever trust me that I shouldn't piss him off after he just asked me not to leave. I nodded my head up and down, went into my room and locked the door. I curled up in a ball on the floor by the bed and cried. They always said blood is thicker than water, sadly and apparently the blood in my veins was holding my back from my destiny, happiness, and freedom.


My Dearest Father,

I am so glad that my last message got to you in time for you to meet them at the edge of the woods. It was fun to watch her suffer like that. Very amusing. I must warn you though that they had a witch come in and clear the spell from the mutt. From my understanding, the witch also severed her pack link mostly. Rumor has it unless Christopher mates her than it will stay open. I will make sure that they don't mate.

I will send you all the new updates as I receive them. Being a warrior here I am in on everything and the best part is they don't suspect a thing.

Love and miss you father.


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