Chapter 46

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I sat in the chair while Athena set my long blond hair in curls. My nerves were getting the best of me. It wasn't because of Chris though. It wasn't about the fact that I was getting married today. Having an amazing man and being loved and accepted into a family is all I ever wanted. To find my mate who would do anything for me and love me unconditionally was what I had. I knew our relationship started out to say the least weird and on the rocks but in the end, I couldn't ask for a better man or mate to call mine. I was nervous about what happens after the ceremony. I wouldn't have to meet everyone until tomorrow evening at my Luna Ceremony/ Wedding reception. The heat made me nervous, almost scared. The pain I went through last time was excruciating. I knew Chris would be there with me this time not as an alpha but as my husband so hopefully, I wouldn't have to endure it for too long.

A set of fingers snapped in my face "Earth to Willow! What do you think?" I guess I zoned out so when I looked in the mirror I was taken aback. The girl there had beautiful red lips and a smokey eye with the perfect wing coming off the side. My hair was perfectly set in curls that weren't too tight, they almost looked natural. A tear formed in my eye "Oh no you don't" Trixie said "I just did that don't you smear it now." I looked at both of them and lightly laughed holding in my cry. "I don't know what I would have done without you both. HOnestly that you both so much for being there for me and helping me today and everyday. I cant even begin to tell you how blessed I am to have you both as my friends" We all gathered into a group hug, all expressing our I love yous and being friends forever.

The girls just helped me shimmy into my dress so I didn't mess up my hair or makeup when a knock sounded at the door. We all looked at each other when Athena went to open it. Standing behind the door was Doc and we invited him in. He looked at me and a smile spread across his face. "Ahh Willow. You make a beautiful bride and I believe you will be an amazing Luna"

A blush crept across my cheeks accompanied with a smile "Thank you Doc"

"May I ask you something?" He said

I looked at the clock to see how long we had until I had to walk down the aisle. 15 minutes "Yes we have a few minutes before we have to go"

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." I looked at him confused and fear crept into my face.

"No, No Willow its nothing like that. Everything is ok" I visibly relaxed and took a deep breath. I motioned for him to sit on the couch with me and he did. "What's going on Doc"

He cleared his throat "Willow I have known you for a while and I hope to only get to know you better from here. I see how happy you have made not only my best friends son but my alpha. A little birdy told me that you were upset that you had no one to walk you down the aisle today. So I was wondering" he paused and I looked at him anxiously " I was wondering if you would do me the honors of allowing to give you away today. I was wondering if you would let me be the one to walk you down the aisle?" Tears sprang to my eyes with Trixie's warning in the back of my head but I didn't care. I threw my arms around Doc's neck and hugged him "Yes Doc. Yes. I would be the one honored if you would walk me down the aisle. Thank you so much" He hugged me back and I could hear Trixie hollering for me "Willow we have 5 minutes and I need to fix your makeup" I pulled back and kissed Doc on the cheek before I got up and went to let Trixie fix my makeup. Today was going to be amazing. I just hoped tonight is too.

Chris's Point of View

I stood there with Leo looking up the aisle once the music started. Trixie came down first taking her spot then Athena came down giving me a wink and a smile. The music tempo changed and then there she was. She looked like a goddess and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The pack nodded and whispered there approval. Some oohs and ahhs were heard and everyone wore a smile. So did she. When our eyes met she gave me the most beautiful smile, it took my breath away. I silently was thanking the Goddess for this amazing person that stood before me.

We stood there hand in hand while Doc took his place at the altar. He not only was giving her to me but he was going to bind us together for the rest of our lives. He held up his hand to bring silence to the crowd.

"Friends and Family of the Crescent Moon pack. I thank you all for coming today as we celebrate and bind together Chris and Willow forever and always. I have known Chris all of his life from mischievous little boy to fair and loving Alpha of our pack. I have enjoyed watching you grow and learn day to day and I know your father would be very proud of you. Willow, I haven't known you for very long but I have watched you grow in the short time that you have been here. You are a strong woman jumping over hurdles that were meant to tear you down and break you. I know you will be an amazing Luna."

Chris and I looked at each other, smiling and giving our joined hands a squeeze.

"Chris and Willow have decided to write their own vows and they will share them now. May I have the rings please" Leo stepped forward with the rings "Moon Goddess I ask that you bless these two mates you have chosen. May their days on earth be long and full of love and happiness." Doc handed a ring to Willow and me. "Chris you go first" I nodded never breaking eye contact with Willow.

"Willow. All my life I wanted a mate to love and care for me. I wanted a strong woman to carry my pups and a fair Luna to my pack. When we first met my need for revenge consumed me. I couldn't see the beauty before my eyes. You broke down my walls day by day. I watched from afar as you would laugh and how caring you were. I stood back never coming near until I could no longer stand to be away. I now know how truly blessed I am to have you not only as my mate but my love my life. You make each day brighter than the one before and the Moon goddess has truly blessed me in more ways than one. Willow, I promise here today before our pack and the moon goddess above to love and care for you. In sickness and in health. I promise to love and cherish you more and more as the days pass. Till death tears us apart I will be yours."

I watched as tears formed in her eyes as I put her ring on her finger. "Willow it is now your turn"

"Chris. All my life I wanted to find a family to love me. I wanted to find a safe place where pain could no longer haunt me. Finding you has brought me both of those. You make me feel safe when I feel scared. You comfort me when I am sad. You protect me from danger. But most importantly you love me and show me every day that this is where I am supposed to be. When you rescued me from the forest I knew the moon goddess blessed me with the right man. You were my salvation and I will do my best every day to show you how grateful I am. Chris, I promise here today before our pack and the moon goddess above to love and care for you. In sickness and in health. I promise to love and cherish you more and more as the days pass. Till death tears us apart I will be yours."

She placed the ring on my finger and it was my turn to happily cry. "The couple has said their vows. Crescent Moon Pack may I present to you Alpha and Luna Chris and Willow. Chris, you may now kiss your bride"

I had been waiting for him to say this. I grabbed Willow around the waist and dipped her low kissing her so passionately we were both becoming light-headed. I could feel her body was warmer than normal through her gown. Standing back up we smiled and waved at the pack before going hand in hand outside to the waiting car.

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