The Letter

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Roman flinched the moment he entered the breakfast hall. His father glared at him, crumpling a beautiful, embroidered roll of parchment in his hand. Angelica, who was standing just behind King Phillip, ran her finger along her throat - translation? You're going to get killed.

Oh shit...

"Roman. Sit." Roman sat opposite his father, trying to ignore the giant pit in his stomach. His father uncrumpled the parchment and handed it to Angelica. She began to walk over to Roman as the King kept speaking. "Tell me Roman. What does the parchment say?"

"Dear King Phillip, King of the Light Realm," Roman paused when he read the next line. Swallowing, he continued. "You mother-fucker. You better have a damn good reason for the suspected abduction of the Dark Realms Prince, Virgil Anxiety, you little, unfortunate, idiotic, spastic shit." Glancing up at Angelica, it all clicked. His father knew that Virgil was the boy who'd fallen off the balcony. "If you do not return him in perfect condition, I swear, I will invade your land and siege your castle until you return him. Bitch."

His father cleared his throat. "Who is that from, son?"

"Sincerely, King Deceit, Ruler of the Dark Realm."

"Now, Roman, remind me why I can't see the boy. He's unconcious, and?"

Roman looked only at the parchment. "And he's Prince Virgil..."

"You absolute idiot." Phillips' voice was soft and dangerous. "You complete and utter idiot!  Have you any idea what you've done?! Did you even fathom the possibilities of keeping the enemy's' prince could result with this?!" His father shouted across to him. Roman flinched. "How could my son be so stupid as to risk war on his Realm for what? The chance to swoop in and save the day?!" 

Roman felt himself tear up, lip trembling. Suddenly, he was standing up. Suddenly, he yelled at his father. "Fuck you, 'Dad'! You've never bothered about me! I didn't know what to think, okay? We thought he was a spy! We didn't know! Why must every tiny mistake I do be another reason for you to regret me?!"

The king said nothing, face blank. Roman kept screaming. "I don't even care if I never become King! Why don't you bloody keep that crown on your damned head, so you can scream and yell at me without any fucking consequences?! Sorry for being such a mistake, but hey! At least you can tell the people it was all my fault, and that I didn't keep someone I believed to be a spy in the castle to impress you! That's all I wanted!" He was crying now, voice breaking. "You've never once said anything nice about me! Not about my work, not about my studying, not about my appearance, not about my formality! Sorry I fucked up at birth!"

Then there was nothing else to say. Roman was just standing there, staring at his father. Phillip didn't react. Patton appeared by the door. "Ro? We need you, so whenever you've finished eating-" Patton caught the mood, and swallowed. He disappeared back round the corner.

"You've dragged Patton Hart and Logan Berry into this mess, haven't you?" The king asked quietly.

Roman tossed his head up high into the air. "I'm not hungry anymore. Goodbye." And he strutted out of the hall, Angelica following behind him cautiously.


Sorry for how short it is! I just wanted to get some angst out the way, and clear up a bit of stuff! Also, for anyone reading my Dramatastic AU, I'm sorry I don't post as reguarly as I do this one. It's just, trying to post two stories at once is hard and this one is the priority!

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