"Who calls you kiddo?"

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Emile smiled at Anxiety comfortingly. The prisoner just stared at him in a trance - Remy was always staring at him. "Okay, kiddo, could you tell us some more about your magic?"

"I can show you." Anxiety replied quickly, like a son desperate to get a fathers' approval.

Remy smiled and mouthed, "Make him explode something," at Emile from behind Anxiety.

"U-Uh, could you make something implode?" Emile tried.

"Ex plode!" Remy mouthed again.

"Explode? Explode! I meant explode." Corrected Emile hurridly, looking back at Anxiety.

Anxiety glanced at a desk which had stacks of paper on. He glared at it and it ruptured into several parts that flew around the room. The paper billowed away from the impact, fluttering in a lazy fashion to the ground.

Anxiety looked at Emile. "Like that?"

Emile had darted across the room and was clinging to Remy in fear, as he had been the closest to the desk. He caught Remy's' eye, turned red, and shoved him away. "Yes. Just like that."

"Didn't expect you to run to me to protect you." Joked Remy, with a cocky smirk. "Thought you didn't like me, pastel!~"

"Shut up..." Grumbled Emile, running to his seat in embarrassment. Soon, he settled again, looking at the prisoner. "So how did you do that, kiddo?"

Anxiety thought for a moment but answered promptly. "I used to have to be angry or upset when that stuff happened. Now I just need to remember being angry or upset. I can make things vanish, too, by doing that! Do you want to see?"

"No, no, it's okay," Soothed Emile with a fatherly smile. Anxiety just wilted under it happily. Emile swallowed nervously. He wanted to try something that had always been a risk because it broke the spell he had over Anxiety. He gave a big smile that creased his lightly freckled face. "Kiddo, could you please tell us your name?"

Anxiety hesitated and the trusting looks in his eyes flickered away briefly. "I'm not sure, I-" He began, licking his lips hesitantly.

"I meant, who calls you kiddo, kiddo?" Emile hurridly amended. He tried not to lose his smile, but Anxiety frowned slightly.

"I... I'm sorry, I don't really want to mention him..." He replied cautiously, pulling back from the cage slightly and appearing by his blankets. "I'm too tired..."

Emile sagged, catching Remy's' eye and shaking his head. Remy shrugged in reply, standing up.

With a small sigh, Emile stood. "Well, you get some rest, kiddo! We'll see you later!" And he began to walk to the door. He held it up for Remy, who snatched him up by the waist as he walked by, dragging the smaller man with him.


"Really, Remy, did you have to flirt with me in there?" Emile complained as he pulled himself out of Remy's' hold.

Remy grinned behind his sunglasses. "Of course I did! You rushed to me in fear and I protected you - I feel like that deserves a reward, don't you?"

Emile scowled. "You are infuriating."

"And you went too far with him." Countered Remy, sipping on his coffee. "I tell you every day, 'don't ask for his name! You know he stops trusting you when you do,' but you never listen and ya keep on taking the risk. Eventually, he ain't gonna want to talk to you."

Emile pouted. "He just seems like he'll answer it then, all of a sudden, he doesn't wanna talk!"

"Aw, it's okay, pastel!" Remy smirked, wrapping his arm tightly around Emile for a quick, tight hug. "Maybe you should just ask that other question first, hmm?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess I should..." Emile tilted into the hug, head resting briefly on Remy's' shoulder before he realised what he was doing and jumped away. "I-I'll do that next time. Uh, I've got to check up on two children taken from their capital city now, so I have to go! I-I'll see you tomorrow!"

Remy rolled his eyes, letting Emile slip away with a small smile. "Bye, pastel!"

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now