Debating Happiness

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King Deceit narrowed his eyes at King Philip. "You're an idiot if you think I'll agree to that."

"Oh really?" Snapped Philip, standing up from across the table. "How am I the idiot here?"

"You've always been an idiot! A bloody imbecile since the day you were born!" Deceit also jumped to his feet, the chair falling to the floor.

Roman glanced at Logan and the taller man shrugged at him. The prince turned back to the Kings nervously.

"Ah, but of course," Philip drawled, with a mock bow, "You've never done anything rash, have you? Or stupid, hmm? Your last idea, for starters-"

Deceit scowled. "You are such a pitiful annoyance!"

"I'm the pitiful one, hmm? You're the one who wanted to play this- this children's' game!"

Remus snickered at the two King's' arguement. They had been trying to play Monopoly, a classic in the Dark Realm, and the two were taking it very seriously. "Guys, it's just a game!"

"I am not going to let you buy my land off of me! I don't even think it's in the rules!" Yelled Deceit in exasperation.

"It should be, if it isn't! It's a very logical thing!" Countered Philip.

Patton started to giggle before bursting out in laughter. Soon the four teenagers watching from the sidelines were all laughing loudly.

Deceit frowned with a pout. "Shush, now, Virgil!"

"You guys are such jackasses!" Sniggered Remus, laughing harder when the two kings turned around to glare at him.

The door opened and Peggy Schuyler peered in. "Sirs? The Throne Room is ready for debate."


The Light Realm Throne Room had been drastically changed for this debate. The candles were out to keep the room in the semi-light of the late afternoon so the Dark Realm nobility could feel more at home. The long dining table had been moved in and there was food laid along it.

"Oh my..." Roman breathed. "Are those cakes from Patton's' bakery?!"

Eliza smiled as she finished laying down a plate filled with small pastries. "Yes! Patton baked them last night and this morning for this occasion!"

Patton beamed. "I'm so glad to have my bakery back!"

Virgil smirked. "These better be good, pops. I've never tasted your food so first impressions and all."

"Do not worry, Virgil," Logan assured bossily. "Patton's' cooking skills are more than adequate. The amount of things he doesn't know about baking is infinitesimal."

 Patton gasped, the smile growing. "You remembered what I taught you!"

Roman laughed. "He'd never forget a thing you tell him, Pat! I'm pretty sure he once kept a diary of all the nice things you said once."

"I was fourteen!" Flushed Logan.

"Now that I have to see. Mind showing it to me soon, Lolo?" Virgil smirked, sitting down at the far end of the table.

Roman perched in his seat next to his fathers' throne, the furthest seat from the other prince. The two didn't make eye contact.

Eliza whispered in Patton's' ear, "What's up with them?"

"Tell you later," Patton replied.

King Philip sat in his throne with Deceit sitting opposite Roman. Remus shoved Logan out of the way and sat next to Roman with a crazy grin. Roman groaned - this was going to be a long discussion. When Patton and Logan finally sat next to each other, the meeting began.


Philip sighed. "We're never going to agree on this are we?"

"No. Because your ideas are stupid." Remus replied huffily.

"Come now!" Protested Roman with a frown. "That's hardly necessary, is it? Show some respect!"

Deceit snorted. "Not when he's telling us that our borders should have passport gates! I agree with Virgil's' point!"

"What was Virgil's' point again?" Patton asked. "I'm really not following this..."

Virgil sighed. "I said we should, like, merge our realms. Not exactly, we'll still have separate kings and laws and that but, like, the people can travel freely."

"He raises a fair point. Our people should be allowed to travel freely but there must be some sort of regulation!" Logan reminded. "There would be anarchy at the borders otherwise!"

Roman frowned. "No, there wouldn't."

"I meant figuratively."

"Well... A little clarity never hurt anyone." The prince mumbled in embarrassment.

Deceit ignored this, turning to Philip. "I'm not denying the fact we should have regulations, I'm just saying that passport gates are a stretch. We could use some of the Dark Realm's' technology to set up a large online web which gives fairies and imps the ability to scan people in and out!"

"Yeah!" Remus agreed crossly. "It works much better than passports! For starters, there can't be any forgeries and disguises won't fall our tech! If someone passes the border, the scan would pick up their name, realm, age and all that stuff."

Philip sighed. "This idea will take months to produce, let alone remaking it and any updates we'll need!"

"Nonsense!" Scoffed Virgil. "We already have the tech in the Dark Castle. It's a small light that picks up on your bloodline, health and the thing you know the most- your name!"

Logan frowned. "What does health have anything to do with this?"

Remus rolled his eyes. "Well, duh, nerdy wolverine! Judging by your health, it estimates your age! Then your bloodline check gives us a more exact number. Simple!"

"It's not simple-" Tried Logan before giving up. Patton patted his back sympathetically.

King Philip hesitated. "It does seem like a good idea. More efficient too, because there won't be any queues. But we can't get fairies and imps to hang around all day in case  someone walks past them! It's madness."

"I didn't say that." Virgil wagged his finger with a smirk. "I just said fairies and imps could use it. We put the scanner in trees and boom. Anytime someone walks across we'll know!"

Roman had been thinking. "I think-"

"And here I am without a pen or paper to record this miracle..." Virgil commented sarcastically.

Roman glared at him. "I think that Virgil's' idea is a good one. It's the best idea we've come up with yet and they said they already have the tech. We could just keep the borders closed until everything has finished being set up."

Philip smiled at his son. "Why did I ever doubt your coronation?" Roman beamed back.

"Aw! Look!" Squealed Patton. "Most of us are getting along!" Virgil and Roman twisted away from each other slightly.

Logan frowned. "I don't know what has happened between you two but please sort it out. It's highly annoying that you two will hardly even speak to each other." The Princes rolled their eyes and the room was silent.

Remus glanced at Deceit and Philip, then Deceit again. "So, Dee, I was wondering if we could get married in Cabina city? It would be a good sign of things working out together."

"Sure, sounds great babe."

"Wait, why don't I have a say in this? It's my city!" Philip said, confused.

Deceit stuck out his tongue. "You don't have a say because it's not your wedding! We'll have the city as our venue and we want it ready by tommorow!"


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