Night Two

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Patton and Virgil watched the crowd of residents move smoothly and elegantly. Everyone seemed to know the next melody that was played, everyone knew the steps. Even the children seemed to be part of this.

Virgil swallowed nervously, feeling anxious with the sudden mass of people. Logan appeared at the edge of the crowd pushing forward.

He was wearing a silver and navy three-piece suit, his tailcoated jacket unbuttoned. His mask matched the outfit seamlessly. "Patton, Virgil!" He said warmly when they were in earshot. He smiled, seeming to enjoy the social gathering.

"Hey, Lolo!" Patton grinned a bright smile that wasn't there earlier. Virgil raised an eyebrow.

Logans' attention rounded on Patton, who was looking radiant in a baby blue suit and a darker blue mask that had sequins around the edges. "Salutations. I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me in the next number?" Logan extended his arm.

"Sure kiddo!"

Logan winced at the nickname but didn't lose his smile. He escorted Patton into the crowd.

"How dense can those two get? They are clearly into each other." Romans' voice came from behind Virgil.

Virgil yelped, jumping with surprise, the mask that Roman had picked out getting knocked askew. "R-Roman! Don't sneak up on me like that!!"

"Sorry, emo nightmare, but seriously. They'll be waiting for the other person to say 'I love you' and it'll never happen." Roman stepped next to Virgil with a shrug. "Is my outfit good?"

Virgil looked his enemy up and down. The suit had white, tight trousers and a white jacket. The shirt and necktie were both a ruby red to match his mask. It was tight in all the right places, especially- "Yeah, it's fine." Virgil shook the thought from his mind. "How about mine?"

"Ravishing, simply ravishing." Breathed Roman, with a friendly smile. Virgil looked down at himself. The outfit was similar to Romans, just black with a purple shirt and tie. He swallowed, unsure.

An arm broke into his vision as the song in the background faded. "Would you care to dance, my enemy?"

"Sure, princey." Virgil scoffed, taking Roman's' arm. "Warning you now, I can't dance. I've only danced once and I was ten."

Roman shrugged, dragging Virgil into the crowd of people. Virgil seemed to lose his claustrophobia as Roman led him through into the middle of the square.

The next song began to play and Roman took Virgils' hand, one hand on his waist. Slowly, he led him around the dance floor. "One foot in front of the other!" He instructed happily.

Virgil bit his lip, feeling his cheeks go red. His hand was on Roman's' shoulder and let himself get waltzed along. The music was a soft piano, and he could've sworn Logan and Patton were watching them from across the crowd.

"Roman, I-"

"Shut up and dance with me."

Virgil rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Whatever, princey."

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now