Thestral In A Cage

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Remy glared at the skeletal horse as it knocked another man to the ground. The thestral was, as Anxiety called it, named Storm, and he was vicious. One hoof smashed into a stable's' boy's' jaw, and the boy fell to the ground, screaming in pain as he was ushered out of the door. There was probably a tooth or two left on the ground and Remy flinched in sympathy. Storm lunged at another man, tearing a deep cut across his forearm. Now I'm thinking about it, Remy thought, vicious was an understatement...

Storm bit down on a mans' arm, pulling it out of its' socket and nearly tearing it off. The man began to cry, dropping to his knees and Remy pushed his way into the stable crossly, leaving his coffee on the stable door.

The thestral snorted at Remy, pawing at the ground with his hoof threateningly. Remy raised his hands in the air, walking forwards slowly. Storm whinnied loudly, flapping his wings.

"You're alright, kiddo," Remy said. He was hoping that this thestral would have the same effect on the words as Anxiety, and he really hoped he was right because this could be the end for him if he was wrong. Remy could practically hear Emile calling him an idiot - he ignored it. "You're alright, kiddo."

Storm lowered to the ground, spreading out his wings with a murderous snort, but it seemed emptier. The thestral's' ruffle of feathers around his neck soothed slowly.

Remy smiled, lowering his hands as he kept walking forwards. "Kiddo, you're alright. Everything's safe here, kiddo."

The thestral made a cooing noise of two syllables, butting his muzzle softly into Remy's' waist. Trying hard not to laugh at the sudden passiveness of the creature, Remy shifted slightly to the side as he petted the black boned head of Storm.

"Wow, you're just a big softie, aren't you, kiddo?" Remy grinned, trying to dodge subtly out of the way of Storm's' advances of friendship. "Can you sit down for me?"

Storm's' legs buckled underneath him as he settled down obediently.

Remy smiled. "Can you stay here for me, kiddo? I'll be back."

Storm watched Remy leave without flinching.


The moment he was out of the thestral's' sight, and out of the stable, he threw his back against the wall and sagged.

"Whew... That was surprisingly scary..." Remy gasped, rubbing his face and pulling his cheeks down, his sunglasses surprisingly remaining on his face. "How was that so scary?"

"What was so scary?"

Remy shrieked, jumping away from Emile who stood there in confusion. 

"Jeez, Emile! Don't creep up on me!" Snapped Remy, clutching at his chest where his hearts' pace had been multiplied by the infinity sign, most likely. "My nerves are already on coffee!"

Emile frowned. "What's got you so jumpy?"

"That thestral was touching me, like, butting his head into me!" Remy explained, still arched against the wall.

Emile's' mouth dropped. "Seriously? Wow! That's epic!"

"Terrifying, more like..." Grumbled Remy, straightening up with an adjustment to his sunglasses. "It was colder than ice and felt so-" he shivered, "-odd..."

He felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced down to see Emile smiling up at him comfortingly. "I've learnt who calls Anxiety 'Kiddo'." He said, in a smooth change of subjects.

"Really? Who is it?" Remy asked, grateful for the new conversation.

"His name's Patton, apparently. They met five years ago and haven't seen each other for ages." Emile said. "That's all he told me."

Remy thought for a moment. "Storm must know this Patton too, then. How else would he react to 'Kiddo' in a friendly way."

Emile nodded. "That's great! Maybe the winged beasts have the same reaction - we have to find out!"

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