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Virgil led them quietly down the corridors, which had definitely gotten busier since as they moved deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of a palace. Troops of darkly dressed guards marched bossily and formally down dim passages - their footsteps sounded like a repetitive gun being fired again and again until it created a morbid rhythm.

The four of them hesitated. Virgil swallowed, and croaked "Clear...", and they continued down the dark hallway.

"I don't see the necessity of being so quiet," Logan stated, ironically keeping his voice low. "Wouldn't a knight, if they were to see us, obey you? You could simply command for them not to attack us."

"They only obey Dee unless given seriously specific instructions. And they aren't really called knights."

Roman frowned. "What do you call them then?"

"Guards," Virgil said, pinning Patton to the wall as some guards turned the corner, not noticing them. "We do have some knights, but hardly any... And they're mostly worse than the normal guards."

Patton sniffed. "That's confusing, kinda..."

"Yeah, I'm with Pat on this one..." Agreed Roman. Logan nodded as they darted across to another wall.

Virgil glowered back at them. "It doesn't matter if it confuses you or not. We stay out of their way and do not  engage." He narrowed his eyes at Roman specifically.

"Oh, come now, why me?"

"Because, Princey, you're the one most likely to charge off into a noble battle against a Dark Realm Knight and get K I L L E D !"

Roman opened his mouth to argue but instantly rethought it from Virgil's' glare. Patton fearfully grabbed his boyfriend's' hand.

"We cool?" Virgil asked although it was probably rhetorical as he didn't wait for an answer and dashed to the end of the corridor.

Roman followed him and Logan began to if Patton hadn't frozen up.

The advisor frowned at the baker. "Patton? Is everything alright?"

Patton shook his head, eyes unfocused. "M-My cardigan... It's fallen off!"

Logan narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend, noticing that this was correct. "Where could you have lost it?"

"I-I don't know, Lolo. Maybe it came loose when those imps teleported us here and it's fallen off while we were running about!" Patton whined panickily, grabbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I'll go back for it," Logan said. "You catch up with the other two."


"Don't worry Patton, I'll be fine. You get to those two Princes now before they get too far ahead." And without another word, Logan darted back down the corridor, pinning himself to a wall as a patrol marched past before vanishing from sight.


Patton rejoined his two friends and felt the awkward tension hit him quickly. Virgil and Roman were both looking away from each other, Roman looking upset and flustered while Virgil looked annoyed and embarrassed.

"Um... Guys?"

The two men jumped. "PAT-Uh, Patton!" Roman stuttered nervously.

"We were waiting for you two..." Virgil trailed off his sentence with a frown. "Where's Logan?"

Patton blinked. "Oh, he went back to fetch my cardigan." The two men stared at his shoulders. "It-It fell off... wh-when we were running."

"Well, how nice of him to rescue it for you! I'm sure he'll find us, Logan is intelligent enough to follow patrols to the throne room." Roman tried brightly, with what he hoped was an assuring face.

Virgil rolled his eyes. "We don't have time to hang around, we gotta keep on going. Let's get to the throne room, send out that letter for the kings to join us and then we can stop your home being decimated."

Patton nodded with a false smile and Roman just made a small, impartial noise.

"Let's go, then..." Mumbled Virgil and led them further and further away from Logan.


Who's enjoying my sudden motivation? I know I am UwU.

I've needed a good idea for a while now, and here I am with a Roman-filled boost of exciting plot lines! I may see if I might update Dramatastic and my latest Hamilton story now I'm back in the swing!

Hope you loved this chapter! Take it easy, guys, gals and non-binary pals! See you all in the next chapter!

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now