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Park Rose POV

" Mom I really don't want to go " I said as I lazily dragged my suitcase.
" Be quiet Rose " She said " Stop being such a lazy girl and get on the boat now "
I hate it when my parents force me into things I'm not even interested in.
Like I'm not even Interested to get on the titanic.

We got checked in and we got our rooms in the 1st class.
From what I know, the first class is for the rich people and the lower class are for the poor people.
I actually wanted to be in 3rd class because I didn't want to wear a dress everywhere I go.

If I wear sweatpants, my mom makes me change immediately.
If it's for sleeping, then she's fine with it.
" Hurry up Rose! " I heard my father said as he opened the door.

" Fine " I mumbled and followed them behind.

Sooner or later, we got maids helping us with our stuff.
I got my room and I told the maids I didn't need help but they refused to listen and unpacked my stuff for me.
I just said I don't need help.

I walked towards the door and before I opened it, I heard my mother's voice
" Where are you going? "
" Fresh air " I said " Don't follow me "
" You'll get lost! " she said.
" I don't care mom " I said facing her
" I'll be back. I promise "

I opened the door and closed the door shut.
I'm an adult and I don't get lost easily.
I walked towards the stairs and sooner or later I ended up on the dock.
It was kind of cold but I could care less.

I knew I was at the back of the ship and I leaned against the railing while feeling the air hit my face.
Why does the world has to be this cruel?
Will I ever live a happy life?

I looked around as people were getting checked in to the ship down below and I saw a lot of smiling faces.
I wish I can be happy like them.
I didn't came here to the titanic because I wanted to, I only came because I was forced too.
While looking, something caught my eye.
I saw a tall guy with light brown hair looking up at me.

Is he in first class too?

Judging by his outfit, I don't even think he is first class.
He was holding a black suitcase and his friend with red hair was talking to him while he looked up.....at me?

I didn't noticed I was starring at him so I quickly looked away.
That was awkward.
" Rose? " I heard a voice said.
I turned around and...oh my god.
It was freaking Park Chanyeol.

The guy my parents wanted me to marry.
To be honest, I didn't really like him.
He got the looks and all but.....I can never be with him.
" Your mom wanted you to come back in " he said.

" No I'm not a baby anymore " I said and turned to him " Please leave "
" I can't leave you here and especially I can't go back empty handed when your mom told me to look for you " He said
" Come on. Let's go "

" You are so annoying " I muttered.

" I know and I don't care " he said.
I think he must have heard me. I took one last glance at the light brown hair guy and we made an eye contact.
I felt Chanyeol hold my hand as we walked away from rail.
I broke the eye contact when I couldn't see him anymore.

Now, we were in the room.

" Good evening Rose " Chanyeol mother said smiling " Where were you? "
" Found her by the railing " Chanyeol muttered.
I put on the most fakest smile and greeted her back.
" Good evening Mrs. Park " I said " I was just out for a fresh air "

Jung Jaehyun POV

Here I am with Taeyong running to the ship.
" We are almost late! " He yelled.
" We have like 10 minutes! " I said.

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now