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Rose POV

I quickly hid Jae in my room and I walked back out and faced my mom.

" We will be having dinner with the Park family once again " she said " I want you to dress properly because this is an important meeting "

" If you guys are just gonna talk about business why did you bother inviting me? " I asked.

" Stop talking so much " she said " Your father and I are sick and tired of you always ruining the dinner with them. Why can't you just except him already Rose?! "

" Cause I don't love Chanyeol! " I said
" Why do we have to argue every single time you guys come home? Why? "

My mom only glared at me.

I could care less.

I don't love Chanyeol.

I love Jaehyun.

Thinking about it, he was in the my room.

Maybe he won't be able to hear us since my mom and I were by the door steps.

" I'm trying to make this easy for you " she started speaking after a while
" If you don't marry him, how will we be able to pay off for the business? We almost went bankrupt "

" Uh Huh And we are gonna live on the streets " I said " I'd rather do that than marry someone I don't love mom "

" Park Rose! " she yelled.

I sigh and looked at her.

" mom please " I said " If you really love me, you should let me find my own happiness "

" I do love you Rose! " She said " It's just that things are getting complicated and I'm sorry we have to drag you in! I'm really sorry that your gonna have to marry someone you don't love okay?! "

" Then why aren't you against this?! "

" Because your father needed that money! " she said " Since I'm part of it, I have to agree to this! "

" Mom " I said " The reason why I don't love Chanyeol is because I love someone else "

God damn it I should've kept my mouth closed.

" You What?! " She said almost in a scream
" How could you?! Why didn't you tell me?! "

" Because I know you guys are just gonna scare him away! " I said " Please don't hurt him! "

" We are gonna talk about this when your father comes back " she said " For now go and change "

With that, she walked away.

I ran back to my room and got Jaehyun out of my closet.

" I heard yellings " He said " .....Is it about me? "

" No it's not " I said quickly " It was just about my father's business. "

" Are you okay? " He asked.

" I'm fine " I said " You should leave now "

" How? "

" Here I'll help you to the kitchen " I said and grabbed his arms.

We snuck to the kitchen and we made it to the door.

" Jae I hope I get to see you next time " I said and let out a small smile.

" I hope to see you too " he said
" I'll see you tomorrow at the dock "

I nodded and he walked away.

I went back in and was ready to change my outfit but I saw a familiar brown jacket.

Was this Jaehyun's?!

I did see him with this jacket before.

" Oh Jae you forgot your jacket "


Sorry for the short chapter!

My head hurts today.

I'm sorry .

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now