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Third person's POV

After their little breakfast date, Chanyeol was furious Rose was still hanging out with Jaehyun.

Maybe if he have Jaehyun some money at first then it wouldn't be a problem.

Chanyeol couldn't hold on to his anger anymore that he made toward his parents talking to Rose's parents.

" Mom " He said " Dad "
His mother and father looked at him confused. They were confused why their son was looking so sad.
" What's wrong Chanyeol? " His mom asked.

" I think I know the reason why Rose doesn't like me " he said " She likes this guy name Jaehyun and she always hang out with him "

" Jaehyun?! " Rose father said in shock
" What?! Impossible! Rose....where is she right now?! "

" Somewhere with Jaehyun " Chanyeol said and sigh " I'm sorry if I'm not worth enough mister- "

" No no no! Don't you think you are worthless! " Rose father said " You are not worthless! That guy must have brainwash her or something "

" Where is Rose right now? " Rose's mom said standing up as she hiked her dress
" You know what. Whatever let's just wait until she comes back home tonight "

" We are so sorry Mrs. and Mr. Park " Rose father said " I'm sorry my daughter has been not herself lately "

" Oh no it's fine " Mr. Park said
" As long as you guys are still updating about the marriage "

" Yes they will marry each other " Rose mother said " I'm pretty sure Rose will agree after some convincing "

Rose POV

Right after our breakfast, Jaehyun and I head down to the third class with an elevator.

Instead of going to his room, we went straight to Jeno's room instead.

" My friends should be here " he said as we walked along the way.
We stopped in front of a door and Jaehyun knocked on it.
The door opened after a few seconds to show a boy with a light brown hair.
" Oh Jaehyun! " He smiled and his smiled dropped when he saw Rose and looked at her in shock " W-What? Rose?! "

" Hi " I smiled and waved at him
" Your Jaemin aren't you? "

" Yes yes I am! " He said " Come in guys! "

We walked inside and their room was kind of cold.

" Oh Rose? " Another voice said and i turned around and saw another guy with black hair.
" Hi " I said once again.
" Where's Taeyong? " Jaehyun asked.
" I'm over here! " a voice said and the sound of running footsteps was heard.

" I knew you would be able to make it! " Taeyong said and walked towards me
" The reason why we called you here is because we didn't I mean we all didn't get a chance to know you better and you've been hanging out with Jaehyun so we have to at least try to befriend you "

" That's thoughtful of you " I said " Of course I'd like to know about you guys more since I didn't get a chance to last time "


They all talked, laugh, told jokes, shared funny stories and all.

They left the room for dinner and went to the bar with it was full of food and parties.

They ate first because they didn't want to miss the chance of eating these delicious food. After they were done, they started to join a dancing crowd.
Everyone was having fun.
Jaehyun and Rose especially.

Rose loved it when they both danced together.


Because she smiled and laughed more than she usually do.

Back at home, guys would try to flirt with her and be all touchy.

But Jaehyun was different.

He didn't hang out with her because she had money.
he didn't hang out with her to play with her feelings.
he hang out with her because he believed it was love.
Yes love.

Jaehyun never really dated anyone before.

So does Rose.

Both of their hearts beat faster every time they get closer to each other while dancing.

And they couldn't shake off those feelings.

Jeno, Jaemin and Taeyong were somewhere else.

Probably watching the couple dance together.

" They're cute together " Jaemin said as he ate a chocolate chip cookie " I hope they date soon "

" Same " Taeyong said " Jae never really dated a girl once in his life but....I don't know how he knows how to dance like that "

The 3 friends talked while watching the couple dance.

Back to Jaehyun and Rose....

They wish this night would never end.

But it did.

Rose was happy and was willing to hang out with the boys again.

She looked up at the clock and saw that it's almost midnight.

She had to head back to the room.

They bid each other goodbyes and Rose prefer she walked alone back to her room even though Jaehyun said he would walk her back.

Rose won the Whatever argument and walked alone.

When she got back to first class, she opened the door to the room and went to the living room.......

Only to find her parents sitting on the couch waiting for her......


Sorry for the boring chapter!

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