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Rose POV

After some time, Jae and I both got off the railing.

" Thank you Jae " I said " I really needed "

" Anything to make my love smile again " He said and pinched my nose.

We both walked back inside to go back in since it got chilly out.

Winter was around the corner.

I couldn't wait until Christmas, I would be able to spend time with Jaehyun right?

Probably also with Jisoo.

" Do you want some hot chocolate? " Jaehyun asked me.
" Sure " I said " But where? "
" At class 3 " He said " They've got the best coffee there too "
Going to class 3 is better than seeing Chanyeol talking to another girl in Class 1.

Can't believe that Chanyeol really thinks I'm stupid.

He thinks I don't know he's been seeing different girls each day.

Ugh I'm rolling my eyes now.

We got to Class 3 and we walked through a hallway.

Later we were in the dining room where the rest of the third class were there.

We walked to a table and he fills me a cup of hot chocolate.

" Thank you " I said as he gave me the cup.

He fills in another cup for hisself too.

" Anyways it's really nice to have you here " he said " I would be usually dealing with my friends "

" I'm glad to be back " I smiled.

The rest of the day we spend our time drinking hot chocolates.

It was fun.

There was lots of cookies and to be honest I liked them better than the first class.

Nothing here was as rich looking like in Class 1.

But it was pretty fancy.

" If my friends were here they will be thrilled to see you " He said.
I thought for a moment.
Did they hate me for leaving Jae? I mean it's not like we were official but like....I felt kind of bad thinking about them.

" Are you okay? " He asked.

" Oh yeah I'm fine " I said " Where are your friends now? "

" In their room of course " he answered.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.

" Rose, Chanyeol is calling for you " A voice said.
I turned around and it was Oh Sehun, Chanyeol's business assistant.
" What does he want now? " I said rolling my eyes.
" He wants to have you prepare for breakfast- "
" I already had some " I said and slightly shook my cup of hot chocolate.

" Rose Who is he? " Jaehyun asked.

" Sehun " I said quickly " I don't know how he knows I'm here "

" Miss Park If you don't hurry and get back to Class 1 then I'm gonna have to force you to " Sehun said " Besides Chanyeol has a really short temper so I suggest you come along now "


I'm not letting Chanyeol taking over my life.

I hate that man a lot.

This wasn't my first act of rebellious so I grabbed Jae's hand and before he could react we were already on the hallways in Class 3, Running for our lives..



I'm not dead.




Hope you enjoy.

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now