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This will be a very short chapter!!!

Third person's POV

Jaehyun and Rose spent the night looking at the sky.

" Rose it's late " Jaehyun said as he looked at Rose who was leaning her head on his shoulders.

" I don't care " She said " I don't feel like going home "

" But you have to " Jaehyun said " Or you will get in trouble. What if they know we are here together? "

" They won't " She said assuring him
" They barely come to the dock. I'm the only one that does "

They've been at the dock for a very long time.

When their legs get tired, they both sat on the bench and cuddled there.

" Is it cold? " Jaehyun asked.

It was in fact cold and Rose nodded.

" Let's go inside shall we? " He said and Rose was hesitant.

" Fine " She said after some while
" But can I stay over at your room? "

" Sure " Jaehyun said " Wouldn't your parents be worried? "

" they're asleep during this time " she said but her eye brows were furrowed.
" Maybe not " She muttered.

It was obvious to Jaehyun that Rose didn't want to go back to her room.

He didn't know why but he agreed with letting her stay for at least one or two nights.

The strong hush of wind blew making Rose's hair flying all over her face and she let out a laugh.

They both laughed for a moment until suddenly.....


The ship was shaking and a harsh scratching noises were echoing from the bottom of the ship. Rose held onto Jaehyun tightly as they were wondering what the hell was going on.
" Jae " She said " Did you- "
" I heard it too " He said " It came from the front of the ship! "

Suddenly, a white covered their view and clumps of them fell into the deck, they both scrambled back so they wouldn't get hit by it.

The ship then past it, like it was lost to the dark sky.

" What the hell was that?! " Rose said in panicked.

" Iceberg....... "


Sad shit are coming.

Be ready to cry.

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now