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Rose POV

All the lifeboats were gone which meant death to me.

Not only that but it was freezing cold and the front part of the ship was tilting underwater making people holding on to something so they don't slide off.

Jaehyun and pulled me up and I struggled because I was wearing heels.
" Come on Rose " He said " You can do this. Hold my hands "
" I am " I said as my ankles started to feel numb.
Basically all this time he was just pulling me up with him.

We then reached the railing where some people were holding against on but he still held me tight.
I looked around and everyone was screaming and panicking.
Some people have fell on the waters as they either jumped off or lost their grip.
I could only watch as I shiver from the cold and also holding on the railings for dear life.

I was looking around the boat until I realized this was the place where I have tried to commit suicide.
If it weren't for Jaehyun, I would've been dead. Flashes of memories came rushing on my head and I could only looked up at Jaehyun.
" Jae... " I let out " T-This is where we first met "

He looked at me and then realized what I was talking about.
" Your right " He said and he kissed my forehead and held me a lot tighter.
The ship was making very loud creaking noises and I was scared What was gonna happen next. Help wouldn't arrive in hours or so.

" Your okay right? " Jaehyun asked me and I nodded.
" What about you? " I asked.
He nodded back and pulled me up as sometimes kept slightly slip off from his grip.
The more the boat was sloping up, the more it was harder to hold on to.

" When do you think help will arrive? " Jaehyun asked me.
" I don't know to be honest " I said and thought about all of my families " I hope they arrive soon "
" They will " Jaehyun said assuring me
" Besides the lights are still on which means electricity is working right? "
I looked around and I realized the electricity was still working because lights were still on.

" Yeah I thinks so " I said " I don't really know much about ships and all but if a ship is having trouble then they shoot rockets so maybe the closet country can see it and it's a sign for help "

" Wow your quite smart " Jaehyun said and chuckled also pulling me up.

I smiled to myself but it faded when the screaming of people only got louder.

I closed my eyes and buried my face at Jaehyun's shoulder. I swear those screams will haunt me forever. I just want everyone to saved and forgot all this ever happened.
All I can do is hope Taeyong, Jeno and Jaemin were okay and most importantly Jisoo.

I hadn't seen her in a while so my mind was rushing around if she was okay or not.

Underwater explosions could be heard and what scared me more was the creaking of the ship.

" It's alright baby... " Jaehyun softly whispered to me.

I let out a sniff and looked up at his eyes.

Suddenly, the ship made another loud creaking noise that made my heart beat so fast.

All of the sudden, the lights started to flicker. It went on and off until one light burst out and then it was total darkness.

The screams died down for a while until a loud wood snapping noise echoed through out the whole ship.

Screams were heard once again as the middle part of the ship was breaking in half. The screams became louder when the wood started to splinter and split. As it slowly opened, sparks of electrical within the gap flash bright lights and some people fell inside the light source. And then it snapped again.

This time the bottom half we were holding onto plunge back down fastly. The action made my stomach flip and I held tighter against Jaehyun. This was the most terrifying moment in my life. I never expected this to happen.

The bottom part of the ship came crashing down to the water, crushing anyone below it and large waves splashed around it.

Jaehyun and I almost lost our grips but we manage to hold tight against the bars.

But that wasn't the end.

The ship didn't stay down as long as it already started to rise back up again, twice as fast as it was before.

" Rose we have to move " Jaehyun said as he held me up. He climbed over the railings and helped me up,
" Are we jumping off? " I asked him in fear.
" No we're not gonna jump off " He said assuring me.

Letting go of the railing, I quickly pulled myself over the back of the railing with the help of Jaehyun.

Jaehyun placed me under his hold and we were surrounded by people gripping onto the railings and the ship was now rising completely up.

It stayed like that for a moment as people were falling off left and right. Some people fell and hit some part of the ship. Some people fell into another person sending them to their own deaths at once. I squeezed my eyes shut cause I didn't want to see more people die in front of my eyes.

I opened my eyes when I felt someone nudge me and it was Jaehyun. He looked below the railings besides me and I follow his gaze and saw a blonde women gripping onto the railing. She was struggling and I knew I needed to help her. But before I could even move my arms, she lost her grip and disappeared, dropping to her death.

Tears form into my eyes and I felt Jaehyun patting my back.
" It's okay baby " He whispered softly
" I knew you were going to help her "
I only let out another sniff and wiped my tears away. " If I moved a lot faster... " I muttered.

He wiped my tears away with his hands and I quietly thanked him.

But the moment was over when the ship started to go down.

This is it.............


I know it's was quite long.

Also be ready to bawl your eyes out.

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