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Rose POV

I really couldn't stop thinking about Jaehyun.

I felt guilty I said I'm fine when I wasn't.
He was right. I will die but not literally die because I'm strong. Am I really?

The fire he loved about me.......it's gonna burn out.


I can't leave Jae.

The door opened and it was Jisoo.

" Where were you? " She asked and sat next to me in the couch.

" I Uh needed to quickly use the bathroom " I lied " I tried to find you but you weren't anywhere so I went back "

She only nodded and sigh.

" Look I'm sorry for just running away okay? " I said.

" No it's fine " She said " Really "

" How about we just hang out here then? " I suggested.

" Sure " She said " You never told me the living room is this big "

She looked around and back at me.

" How's you and Jae? " She said
" Did you still talk to him? "

Did she know?

" You can tell me everything " She said
" Maybe I can help "

I hesitated but something told me that I could trust her.

" Well I talked to him earlier " I said after a while of silence " I just....I really wish I can go out with him and even marry him instead of Chanyeol "

" You'd become Jung Rose or Rose Jung " Jisoo said and chuckled " With Chanyeol you'd still be Park Rose "

" Yeah right " I said " Maybe not Rose Jung or Jung Rose but Rosanne Jung sounds nice "

" Wow " She said " Your even planning your future while I'm over here not knowing what to do with my life in New York "

" Okay back to the point " I said
" He asked me if I was fine but I couldn't help but to lie because if my parents or Chanyeol ever sees me with him then I'm doomed. So I really couldn't help but to find a way out because I didn't want them to hurt him and all "

" Rose you don't need to worry about the marriage " Jisoo said " You can just call it off "

" I....I don't know " I said and looked down
" If I did that...there's a chance my parents are gonna throw me out the house....I don't want that "

" Then you can stay at my place " Jisoo said
" Do what you want to do Rose. Find your own happiness. You don't have to do what they tell you to do. Remember, you only live once "

" Right "

" And besides it's not like Chanyeol wanted to marry you because he loves you " Jisoo said in a disgusted tone " He just wanted to take advantage of you and wants you to bow down because he's super rich and all "

" Do you think it'll be okay if I visit Jaehyun at the dock tomorrow? " I asked.

There's a chance he wouldn't be there.

" Yeah " Jisoo said " Go and maybe talk things out. No matter what Rose, I will always be there for you "

I smiled at her and thanked her.

I suddenly felt so glad I met a friend like Jisoo.

" Make sure to dress nicely too " She joked because I was wearing an oversize t-shirt and some sweatpants.

" I will " I said " And also thanks for visiting me. I'm usually lonely in here "

" I'll just visit you often then "


Yeah this book is turning into crap.

Still updating and all though.

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now