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Rose POV

We both ran down the halls as some people moved out of the way.

" Rose why are we running?! " Jae said out of breath already but I still pulled him into running with me.

" To get away! " I yelled back.

I looked behind us and saw that Sehun was after us too.

" Park Rose Stop there right now!!! " Sehun yelled " I said stop!!! "

" Rose turn to the left! " Jae said and I did.
We both ran to the left of the hallways as more people moved out of the way.

While running, I bumped into a women who looked to be in her 20s.

" I'm so sorry " I said and stood her up
" I'm sorry. You okay right? "

She held her head and looked at me.

" Yeah " She said " Why are you run- "

Before I could finish, Sehun showed up.
" Rose!!! "

" Rose we gotta go! " Jae said and held my hands.
We wasted no time on running.
Sehun was behind and I'm pretty sure he took a gun out of his pocket.
He shot a bullet and nearly hit Jae but missed.
Screams from the 3rd class passengers were heard.

I knew I had to take cover cause I can't keep on running away.

We ran in zig zags and everything Sehun shoots at us, he misses.

" Where should we hide?! " I quickly asked.

" I don't know " He said " Maybe the dock? A lot of people should be out "

He was right.

A lot of people are usually on the dock for some fresh air or to smoke.

" Lets take the elevator! " I said as I saw a man and a women getting out of an elevator.

" Good idea " He said and we both quickly get in.

" Hurry! " I yelled " Hurry! He's coming! "

" I never used the elevator by myself! " He said " Besides which floor?! "

" Oh my god you dumbass! " I said and clicked a random number on the button
" I said any floor! "

" Sorry " He said.

We both then saw Sehun running towards us as the elevator closed.

" Open up!! " we heard him yelled.

Jaehyun and I both laughed as the elevator started to go up.

" So dumb do you think he'll know which floor we are at? " I asked.

" Depends " He said " Anyways we are in Class 1 "

The elevator door opened and I saw some familiar people.

" Don't let my parents see you " I said
" Or Chanyeol "

Jae and I quickly walked out and I lead him to the dock.

The first thing I felt was the cold air hitting my face.

" Do you think he'll know we're here? " Jae asked.

" I don't know " I said " Let's stay here for a bit and let's go inside later "

He nodded and we both walked towards the railing.

" The weather " He said " Is it cold? "

I looked around me and saw that I had goosebumps on my arms.

" Yeah " I said " It's pretty chilly "

He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

Wait.....he left his jacket before and I never got to give it back to him....or did I ever give it back?

" Thanks " I said " Aren't you cold? "

" No not really " He said " I used to swim on frozen lakes back in Canada. I'm used to the cold "

I nodded and thought about what happened this morning.
I told him I loved him and he said he did too.
Wait....are we even official?
I'm so confused.

" Jae? "

" Yeah? " he answered.

" About earlier, did you love me too? " I asked.

He then turned his neck towards me and suddenly kissed my lips.
" Of course "

My heart was beating 100x faster.

" Really? " I asked.

" Yeah " He said " You told me you love me. I wanted to say that first but turns out you beat me into it "

I let out a soft chuckle and so did he.

" Well at least your now mine " He said and put an arm around me " I was waiting for this moment ever since I first saw you in this railing "

" When I tried to jump? " I asked.

" Even before that " He said " I saw you standing here looking at the sky as my friend and I were getting checked in "

" Love at first sight? "

" Yeah something like that " He said
" I did also see you around a couple times but the first time I spoke to you was when you were trying to jump. Come to think of it, why were you trying to jump? "

I remembered the dinner with the Park family that night.

Being forced married to the man I hated the most.

" Well That was Because I was being forced married to Chanyeol " I said and sigh
" My parents.....They never really understand me. I felt like they are neglecting me sometimes. Everything has to go their way. They think money brings you happiness....I used to believe that until I met you. You made me happy and so did Jisoo. She helped me with my problems and she was the only friend who I can turn to for help "

" I'm glad I made you happy " He said and rubbed my shoulders.

" I'm glad you saved me when I tried to jump off " I said and let out a smile
" If it weren't for you, I don't even know what would happen to my parents not that I care, I know I'm mean "


Sorry for the late update.

Winter is very cold and I was in a car accident a couple weeks ago.

I'm okay now.


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