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Rose POV

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Rose POV

The ship started to move down quickly and I felt Jaehyun hold me closely.

" We gotta stay here as long as we can okay? " He said kind of loudly so I can hear.
I wiped the tears left at my face and nodded. I can hear the other people falling into the water with screams following along. I also held onto Jaehyun closely.

More people plunge down into the water, some failing and hitting as their grip failed, sending them to tumble down.

" This is it " Jaehyun said getting up a bit to see the ship was nearly under the water.
" What do we do? " I asked him. At this point I didn't know how to think properly. Things were happening to fast.

" The ship is gonna suck us down so take a deep breath when I say okay? " He said and I nodded.

The ship was going down pretty fast and in any second it will be completely underwater.

" When your under I want you to kick to the surface and never stop until you reach it okay? " He said and I only nodded and felt his grip on my hand tighter " And do not let go of my hands "

The water rose, it was now only several meters from our faces.

" Now! " I heard him shout and I took a deep breath sucking much air as I can.
I closed my eyes and I immediately felt the icy cold water everywhere around me.
The water was much much colder than the time I went to the basement to save Jaehyun. The force of the water made me spin around, making disorientated as I kicked desperately to get to the surface.

I was losing breath and not knowing if I was heading towards the surface of the sea, I opened my eyes and felt the salt water sting my eyes.

I felt a pull at my left hand and saw Jaehyun desperately kicking and fighting against the current as he pulled me towards his direction.

Now knowing the bearings, I pushed in the direction and us now desperately trying to get up to the surface.

I felt my breath shorten as I was also tired from all the kicking and fighting. I then suddenly felt his hand slipped away from mines and I let out a scream which could not be heard because I was underwater.
I saw as Jaehyun was swept away and I began to swim up. I kicked up very fast and I began to feel myself coming up the surface.

When I did, I stated to gasp for air but not for long as I shouted Jaehyun's name.

" Jaehyun!! " I yelled through the screaming people " Jaehyun! Where are you?! Please! Jaehyun!!! "

But he was nowhere to be found.

I was whipping my head towards every direction looking for him.
Arms were hitting me from the people who was struggling to stay up the surface.
I yelled his name all over and over again as I was panting and white clouds leaving my mouth.
" Jaehyun!! " I yelled this time feeling my throat ache " Jae- "

I was cut off when I was suddenly pushed down underwater. I was drowned underwater as a man was using my body to keep himself float. Desperately kicking and pushing his arms off of me, I came back to the surface. But he pulled me down again.

I scream and I felt water running up my nose.

I heard another voice shouting my name and an strong arm pulled me up.
" Get off of her! " Jaehyun yelled as he punched the man " Don't fucking touch her! "
The man fell and Jae quickly pulled me away.
I let out a coughed and I felt him hugging me.

" Why'd you let go?! " I shouted as he looked back at me " I thought you died! "
" I'm so sorry " He said and kissed my forehead " I had to. Otherwise you would've drown because I couldn't carry you up. I knew you'd save yourself.... "

I let out a sigh and hugged him back and kissed his cheeks.

" Lets go somewhere else " He said and pulled my arms " We can't stay here any longer "

He was swimming towards the other way and dragged me with him.
" Swim Rose! " He said out aloud " You got this! Swim! "
I was kicking underwater as he also helped me. I would've swam if I wasn't wearing a freaking dress and heels.

He then stopped when we got to a wooden shaped door and pulled me up.
" Get on " He said and I did. When I got on, I pulled him up so he could get on with me but the wooden door didn't let him.
I almost fell off too but Jae caught me in time so he only just let me stay on it while he leaned against and held my hands tightly.

" H-Help would a-arrive soon " He said as he shivered front he cold. I nodded and looked at his eyes.
" Are you okay? " I asked him. The water was freezing cold and I knew he wasn't okay.

" Jae you can stay here and I'll just stay on the wat- " I was cut off when he spoke.
" No Rose stay there " he said " I'll be fine here "
" No your not Jae " I said in a low voice.
" I am " he said " I will be okay as long as your okay "

I nodded my head and held his hands tightly as if I let go, he'd disappeared....


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