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Jaehyun POV

I woke up from my bed the next morning and let out a stretch.

Beside me lay Taeyong.

He is a heavy sleeper and sometimes a light sleeper so he will wake up eventually.

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine.

Since I didn't had dinner last night I decide to have some left over cookies.

To be honest my morning is boring.

All I do is sit and just stare into space.

That's how my life is.

I read the newspaper on that was placed on the table and relaxed a bit.

An hour later Taeyong woke up and rubbed his eyes as he came to the living room.

" Morning " I said.

" Morning " he replied.

" shouldn't you be up at the dock? " he asked me and I looked at the time to see it's 9:56 pm.

" Your right " I said " I should get there right now "

" Do you usually go there to see Rose? " He asked and I looked at him.
" of course " I answer and he smiled.
" Jeno and Jaemin wanted all of us to have dinner and party again with Rose " he said and yawned " Do you think she can come back at the party? "

" Depends " I said slipping on my shoes.

" Just let me know if she can " he said and laid against on the couch and turned on the tv " I will be at Jeno's room by the time you come back "

" Alright " I said and opened the door.

" Bye " I said and walked out.

" Bye! " I heard him say as I closed the door.

With that I made my way towards the dock.


Rose POV

The next morning I woke up, I realized it was 9:45.

I have to see Jae at 10 so I quickly changed into a white and red velvet dress and did my morning routine.

I got out of the room without my parents noticing and I made my way up to the dock.

I walked past the bench and there I saw Jaehyun on the railing like usual.

I went over to him and covered his eyes with my hands.

" Whoa! Who is this? " He quickly said and held my hands.
" Guess Who? " I said still covering his herd with my hands.
" I know " he said " The only one and only Park Rose "
" Yep! " I said " But really my real name is Rosanne Park I just go by the name Rose and some people calls me Park Rose "

" Rosanne? " He said and raised one of his eyebrows " Rosanne Park? That's a beautiful for name "

" Thanks " I said " Anyways....Do you wanna have breakfast with me at the restaurant? "
" Sure " He smiled " Lead the way "
I took his hand and we made it back inside where I saw Jisoo standing there with a notebook on her hand.
She looked up and smiled when she saw me.
I smiled back and waved and she gave me a wink as we walked past her.

We finally made it where everyone in class 1 was down here for breakfast.
It was pretty fancy but I was used to see all these decorations.
Jaehyun was looking around and I found a seat for only the both of us.
" You've been here before " I said to him
" Why are you so surprised? "

" Oh no it's just I've never really been into a really fancy restaurant " He said and scratched the back of his neck " It's still really an amazing place for me "

I nodded and I saw one of the workers coming over to take our order.

" What would you like? " She asked as she clicked her pen.
" I will have kimchi friend rice please " I said and the worker nodded.
" What about you? " She asked Jae.
Jae looked like he was thinking for a second.
" I'll have the same as her " he said after a while.

The girl then walked away and to another table.

" By the way " He said and looked at me
" I was wondering if you can join us in the third class dinner again "

I remember the time when I had a lot of fun with Jaehyun.
It was actually a party that really made me feel was happiness was all about.
Usually back then my friends would go clubbing and they would all be making out with random dudes.
But this.....it was so much different.

" I'd love to but why? " I asked jokingly.

" Well my friends wanted to get all of us to know each other more " He said
" So they wondered if it's okay to invite you over for dinner tonight "

" Of course I'll come " I said " Dinner is usually boring with my parents and Chanyeol "

" Speaking of the devil " He said
" Who is Chanyeol to you? Is he your brother? "

What am I suppose to say?

God, help me.

I can't let him know Chanyeol is my fiancé soon to be husband.

Maybe....maybe I'll just keep it hidden for a little longer.

It will be okay right?


Jaehyun POV

I don't know why but I felt like Chanyeol was holding grudges against me.

The last time we saw each other was at dinner and he kept looking at me with this weird....glance.

I know that dinner was a long time ago but I felt like he doesn't like me at all.

Looking up at Rose, she was talking and smiling.

She wasn't like the girl who tried to jump of the ship anymore.

But looking behind her felt a weird sense in my body.

I looked around and I locked eyes with a specific person.

I squinted my eyes and my eyes widen when I knew who it was......

Park Chanyeol

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