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Third person's POV

Rose jumped back in the ship.

She barely made it in and she almost fell off but 2 mens there helped her get in and she thanked them before running back up.

" Rose! " Jaehyun said as he went inside looking for Rose.

He knew she is looking for him and she knew he is looking for her.

Rose ran past more and more people until she saw Jaehyun on the stairs.
She ran up to him and hugged him so tightly.
" Rose why'd the hell did you do that?! " Jaehyun said and he couldn't help but hug her back even kiss her " Why'd you do that?! Your so stupid Rose! "
Jaehyun wasn't angrily yelling at Rose he only said it because she almost fell off the ship and could've drown.

He kissed her forehead and met her eyes.

" Remember? " She said as she was breathing heavily " You jump I jump right? "

" Right..... "

The couple shared another kiss even though they were both tired from running and they're hearts beating fast.

Another figure could be seen above them and it was no other than Chanyeol.

He looked so angry some people stepped away from him.

He then suddenly pulled out a hand gun from his waist and started to shoot.

Of course Jaehyun and Rose saw it coming.

They were both on the run again just like last time with Sehun.

" Jaehyun you fucking bastard! " Chanyeol yelled " How dare you take what's mine!! "

People screamed and moved out the way as Chanyeol ran behind the couple.

" Jae what do we do?! " Rose said scared for her life.
Chanyeol could literally kill them and he'd be able to get away with it because the ship is gonna sink and maybe everyone will be dead.
" Go to the dining room! " Jaehyun said and Rose ran towards a wooden door and saw the place was being flooded too.
The water wasn't high like it was on the basement, the water was just on the their knee levels.

But it was still dangerous because waters are coming in and sooner or later the whole place will be flooded.

Jaehyun got inside the dining room with Rose and got the time to maybe block the door with some tables.

He heard a voice of a man yelled and the voice didn't sound like Chanyeol's.

Jaehyun has already blocked the door with some tables and chairs and the door was being pounded on.

The door was somehow starting to loosen up and the tables and chairs started to slip.

" Rose hide " Jaehyun told her.

" What about you? " Rose asked him.

" I'll be fine " Jaehyun said " Now hurry "

Rose immediately hid behind of the tables while Jaehyun hid on the other side of the dining room.

They both then heard the sound of gunshots and the door was busted open.

Jaehyun peeked and the guy wasn't Chanyeol.

It was Sehun.

He wondered how'd he get here and then thought maybe Chanyeol sent him to kill the both of them while Chanyeol himself gets out alive.

Sehun looked around the room and noticed it was empty.

But he wasn't stupid. He knew Rose and Jaehyun were hiding somewhere. He also thought that maybe if he kills them both quickly, he can get out of here too. And maybe also go back home with his wife and child.

He looked around the place and checked under and behind tables to make sure if any one of them could be there.

He had his gun ready to shoot and kill.

Rose was behind a table and she quietly peeks and saw that Sehun was close.

She silently prayed Jaehyun would save her and they both will be okay.

Suddenly she heard a gun being loaded and saw Sehun starring at her while pointing the gun at her.

She let out a gasped from shock and her eyes widen.

" Goodbye pretty one " Sehun said to her and was about to pull the trigger when she saw Jaehyun behind him.
" Rose move out the way! " Jaehyun managed to yell and tackled Sehun from the back.
Rose quickly moved out the way and another gunshot was fired and it hit the floor underwater.
She stood up and ran towards the door but stopped to maybe find a weapon to help Jaehyun.

Jaehyun and Sehun were fighting while splashing waters everywhere.
Jaehyun managed to grab Sehun's gun and threw it far across the room.
But it didn't stop there.
Sehun suddenly grabbed a knife out of nowhere and maybe tried stabbing Jaehyun with it.

Jaehyun fought back by holding Sehun's arm with the knife close to his face.

He threw the arm away and also manage to throw Sehun off of him.

Jaehyun quickly got up and held Rose's hand as they ran back up the deck.

By the time they got there, all the lifeboats were gone.


I know it was a long chapter.

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