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Rose POV

" Mom? Dad? " I said as I saw them on the couch.

" Where were you? " My mom asked as she pierced her eyes at me.
" Of course with a friend " I said remembering Jaehyun.
" Pah. Friend " My father said and rolled his eyes " Do you think I would fall for you lame excuse? "

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head.

" I know you've been hanging out with that Jaehyun guy " Dad said " After all this time you've been hanging out with him and never told us "
" Why would I tell you? " I said " I never agreed on marrying that Chanyeol bastard "

" Rose you better not keep running that dirty mouth of yours " My mom said with a strict voice as she glared at me harder
" It's not your decision anymore "

" What do you mean it's not my decision?! You can't make me marry someone I don't love because your going bankrupt dad! " I yelled " Money doesn't make you happy dad! "

" Money does make you happy! " He yelled back " What about those times when I bought you a beautifully decorated dress and all those luxuries stuff I got for you?! "


All those expensive shoes, outfits, accessories.

But it doesn't make me happy at all.

All my life, I lived in a despair.

People thinks I should be thankful and happy because I got money.
They say I'm lucky because I can get whatever I want.
They say I'm lucky because I live in a big mansion.
They say I'm lucky because I have power over them.

But they don't understand my feelings.

It's not easy earning money like this.

My parents worked 24/7 and I would help them out sometimes too since I'm old enough.

But when things are getting too handy and they bring up about Jaehyun.....I just felt like I need to protect him.

" Money doesn't make me happy Dad " I said " You don't buy happiness. You don't buy friends, you make friends dad! Just because we have money doesn't mean we live the happiest life on earth! "

" You've got plenty of friends and yet your over here complaining! " He yelled.

" Both of you quiet! " My mom said making me stop and look at her
" Rose....I know it's hard for you. I'm sorry we have to pull you in this but.. "

" But I love someone else! " I yelled and immediately regret it.

" I knew it " My dad said and his eyes glared at me " I knew this from the beginning "

" Rose...... " my mom voice trailed off

" Since you love that boy so much " My dad said " How about I arrest- no how about if I go and confront him- "

" Don't even think about getting close to him!! " I yelled " Don't fucking touch him! "

My dad chuckled and my mom face frowned.

" I can't believe you fell in love with a poor man " He said " You disgust me "

" No you disgust me " I said and narrowed my eyes at him " You told me I'm not allow to date anyone and then all the sudden I'm marrying a guy. Because you fucking lost money and you want everything to be your way! "

" Rose.......I forbid you to see that man " Mom said " From now on, you are not allow to go outside of the room. If you do, then you will face consequences "

" What kind of consequence? "

" Well.... We are not gonna tell you now " Dad said " Starting tomorrow, you will have your breakfast with Chanyeol. And if you ever stay close to Jaehyun..... I will take everything from him "

" No....You can't do this! "

" I can " he said " Now, you know the rules. "

" I.....I fucking hate you!!! "

With that I ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

I spent the next hours crying.

I'm sorry Jaehyun......I have to do this.



This story kind of sucks.

But I will still be updating.

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