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Rose POV

Jaehyun and I both ran to the front of the ship to see what the hell even happened.
It was pretty shocking but we weren't the only ones who noticed it.
Some people came out to dock and were looking at something that the ship just past.
" Jae! " I said " What's going on?! "

" The ship just hit an iceberg " He said with worries written all over his face.
I looked behind and saw a huge iceberg.
My eyes widen and I felt some people nudging me to see the iceberg.
" Maybe the captain will take care of this " I said trying to make him feel better
" He will right?! "

" Maybe Yeah " He said But it didn't really satisfied him.

A strong gush of wind hit our faces and I felt the ship stop moving.

" The ship " I said looking at the ground
" It's not moving "

" Let's go inside " He said and we both quickly went in.

I immediately felt the warmth in the inside as everything looked okay.

Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about it then.

But my guts are telling me everything will not be okay.

After a few minutes, a lot of people were on the deck. Some were there because they wanted to see what's going on.
" Let's to my room " I said " I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't be there "

We ran to my room and I unlocked the door.

I opened it and looked around.

There was no signs of my parents.

" This is place is pretty warm " Jaehyun said and smiled.

" We keep it air conditioned " I said
" My mom hates it when it gets really cold especially in the winter. She hates the cold seasons "

" Bet " He said " Anyways what should we do while we- "

Suddenly, the front door was slammed opened to reveal Chanyeol.

" What are you doing here?! " I yelled at him as he walked towards us.
He suddenly raised his hand and I immediately closed my eyes and felt nothing.
I opened it to see Jaehyun holding Chanyeol's hand to prevent him from hitting me.

" Is this how your treat a women? " Jae said clearly pissed " Don't hurt what's mine "

" She isn't yours " Chanyeol said and glared at him " She is my soon to be wife and you are just a prick separating us away! "
" Your a prick " I said and looked at him
" Don't think I'm a stupid women for even one second. I know what you have been doing behind my back! "

The front door opened once again and revealed my parents.

" Jung Jaehyun " My dad said as he saw Jaehyun holding Chanyeol's arm " What do you think your doing? "

I pulled Jae's arm and held it.

" What is he doing here Rose? " My mom asked me sternly.

I didn't know what to say.

Maybe I was stupid after all.

I shouldn't have brought him here.

" Look " I said " I'm not- "

" Get him out " My dad said " Or I'll get him arrested "

" You can't do that! " I said " He didn't even do anything! "

" Yes he did " Chanyeol said with a sly smile.

I had a feeling this wouldn't be good.

" He stole my precious watch! " Chanyeol said and looked at Jaehyun.
My eyebrows furrowed and some of the workers of the ship came inside of our room.
" Check him " My dad said and about 3 mens in uniform came towards us and one of them pulled me away from him.
" Hey! " I yelled " What do you think your doing bastard! "

2 mens were checking Jaehyun's pockets and they suddenly took a watch from his pocket.

That watch....

It was belong to Chanyeol.

" He's a thief " Chanyeol said " Rose you wanna be with a man that's a thief? "

" Rose I did not steal that watch! " Jaehyun said looking at me while he was being held
" I didn't I swear! "

I didn't know what to say.

My heart was somehow racing and beating so fast.

" Take him away! " My dad told the mens
" What a punk! "

The mens handcuffed Jaehyun and took him away.

" Rose I swear I didn't even know it was in my pocket! " Jaehyun yelled " You know me Rose! You know I'll never steal a watch! "

" I....I don't know what to say Jae " I spoke out with tears forming in my eyes.

" Move you punk! " One is the men said
" You are under arrested for stealing and your coming down to the basement with me! "

" Please sir I didn't steal anything! " Jae said and tried shaking his body away " Please! Rose tell them what happened! You know I would steal anything from you! "

His voice then slowly faded away as they took him away from the room.


Sorry for the late update!

I had so many tests coming up!

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