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Third person's POV

Jaehyun, Rose, Taeyong, Jeno and Jaemin all ran towards the gate where people are getting into lifeboats.

" No more people! " A man in uniform yelled " No more space! "

But lots and lots of panicking people came and begged to go in the life boats.

" Rose " Jaehyun said " Let's get out of here. It's too crowded "

" But what about-

" Don't worry Jaemin " Taeyong said
" There are some lifeboats on the deck and we could go from there "

Rose nodded and they all got away from the crowd.

They all had a hard time going back up since so many people are in the way and even some children's were lost.

Jaehyun managed to pick up a child who was crying and they all stopped running.

" Where are your parents? " Rose asked the little girl in a sweet voice.

" M- My daddy left me " the little cried and she started to sob again " He hasn't came back! "

" We'll get you out of here okay? " Taeyong said and took her from Jaehyun's arm
" Let's go to the deck "

They all went up to the deck where it was freezing cold.

Harsh winds were blowing at them making them shiver.

" Daddy! " The little girl in Taeyong's arm yelled " Daddy! He's over there with mommy! "

Taeyong looked over and saw a man in a hat come over to them and grabbed the little girl from his arms.

" Sir your child was lost- "

" Thank you so much for finding her! " The man said " I was so worried! I was looking for her after she ran off! Thank god you found her! "

" You think she ran away from him or he left her there? " Jeno asked Taeyong.

" I don't know " Taeyong said " But I hope the little girl goes out alive "

Then they all turned their attention back at the lifeboats.

There were only 3 lifeboats left and it wasn't even enough for everyone here.

" Rose! " A voice yelled all the sudden
" Park Rose! "

Rose immediately recognized the voice.

She held Jaehyun's arm and looked at the man coming towards her from the crowd.

" Why'd you run away! " Chanyeol yelled and his eyes landed on Jaehyun.

Chanyeol's eyes were wide for a second and he smirked.
" I see Rose probably helped you escaped "
He said " Gosh "
Jaehyun and Rose backed away and Taeyong, Jeno and Jaemin were confused.
" Jaehyun Who is this? " Taeyong asked.

" Nobody " Jaehyun answered.

" Get her to the boat " Chanyeol said to Jaehyun.

Rose looked towards the boat that was almost full and ready to be released.
She then saw her mom and dad there along with Chanyeol's parents.
Her mom saw her and immediately yelled out her name.

Jaehyun grabbed Rose's hand and helped her get on the boat along with Jaemin, Jeno and Taeyong.

" Jae get in " Rose said and she looked up to Jaehyun.

" Rose no poor 3rd classes allowed in this boat " Her mother said sternly.

" Excuse me ma'am? " Taeyong said who was deeply offended.

" You heard me " her mother scoffed.

Rose was furious. How dare she say that to the man she loved? Also how dare she say that to her friends? Does she even know Taeyong is also from 3rd class?

She probably doesn't because of his looks.

" Jae hurry! " Rose said and let out her hand.

Jaehyun only shook his head.

" No " He said " I can't "

" Jae please don't listen to my mother! " Rose pleaded " Please! "

" I can't Rose " He said " I want you and my friends to survive okay? And besides there aren't any space anymore "

Rose looked around. He was right. The boat was packed. But she also felt her heart dropped.

" It's okay Rose " Jaemin said and placed his hands on her shoulder.

" No it's not okay " She quietly said and Jaemin heard her.

Taeyong, Jeno and Jaemin knew Rose was not gonna leave Jaehyun.
But Jaehyun did it because he loved them all dearly.
But Rose thought of another thing what would happen if she survived.
Chanyeol....She is gonna have to marry Chanyeol.

Chanyeol is an intelligent person so whatever he does to get in the boat, he would get in and survive.

Rose didn't want that. She didn't want to marry Chanyeol. Chanyeol wasn't the man she loved. It was Jaehyun.

The boats were being ready to be released and Rose looked up at Jaehyun that had Chanyeol Besides him.

It was now or never.

She turned to Taeyong and whispered
" I'm sorry "

With that, she stood up and heard Jaehyun yelling her name.

She saw a window that she could jump to get back in the boat and so she did...


I'm feeling a bit fine today but not exactly great.

I hope y'all enjoy this story anyways and please please please read my other book as well!

Thank you!

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