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Jung Jaehyun POV

Today was the day.

I'm gonna be having dinner with a family in first class.

It was 7:46 and I was at my closet trying to find the nicest clothes I had to wear.
I knew I couldn't just wear T-shirt and jeans over there.
I have to make a good impression.
At least.

I wore a black blazer with a white shirt in the inside and some black pants with a pair of nice shoes I had.

" Eh Jaehyun? " I heard a voice said. It didn't sounded like Taeyong. When I turned around, it was Jaemin.
" Who let you in? " I asked.
" Taeyong duh " He said " Anyways why are you dressed so nicely "
" Having dinner " I said.

" I can tell but where? " he said " Taeyong said you wouldn't be joining us today "
" First class " I said " I'll get going now "
I walked past him and walked out of the room and to first class.

When I got to the first class, it was so much different from third class.
There were so many fancy stuff. The walls and the ceiling was decorated with luxuries.
Damn if only I was that rich.

But what caught my attention is the royal staircase. It was big and nice. On top of it was a clock that striked 7:57.

I watched as people with fancy dresses and tuxedo walked past me and giving me side eyes.

Then, a familiar men and women came down the stairs and I remember it was Rose father and probably her mother.

" Jaehyun " The man said with a smile
" You came! "
" It's nice to have you here " The woman said " You can call me Mrs. Park even though there's another one "
" Sure " I said " As long as it isn't a problem ... "

Behind them, it was the girl I wanted to see and the reason why I came.


She was wearing a white laced dress with silver heels. Her red hair glowed and shine under the lights.
" Jaehyun " She said my name and starred at me " You.....came "
" Of course " I said and walked up to her
" Can I have your hand? "

I acted my best to be a gentle men.
We both later ended up linking arms together while we followed her parents behind.
" Do you see that man? " Rose said pointing to a bald man.
" Yeah Why? " I asked.
" He's the richest man on the ship " she said " And the women next to him is his wife "

" Cool "

" Anyways I'm glad you made it " She said
" It's honestly very boring when you have to just sit there and listen to your parents talk "

" I'm glad I came "


Park Chanyeol POV

I followed my parents behind as we made to the dinner at a restaurant.
They later on saw Rose parents and started talking.
I was about to talk to Rose but I saw the Jaehyun guy.
I forgot he's coming over for dinner today.

I saw how beautiful Rose was with her white sparky dress but despite the man next to her.

I'm suppose to be at his place.
I'm the one she's suppose to hold on to.
Not him.
I don't know why but I felt hatred towards him already.

We all got our food and I sat next to Rose and Jaehyun at the other side of her.

The three of us ate in silence while the parents only talked about business.

" Alright enough about work " My dad said
" Let's have a talk with Jaehyun should we? "

" Yes " Rose mom said with a smile.

" How old are you? " Rose mom asked.
" 20 " He answered.
Haha I'm older than him. I'm 25.

( the ages are fake! It's only for the story! )

Jaehyun POV

I was asked a lot of questions.


Where were you born?

Who'd you came with?

Where did you study?

How was life at Korea?

I honestly thought the first class dinner will be lit but it's so.....boring.

All people did was go around and meet new people and talk about business.

Anyways, I told them my vacation back when I was in America and also in Canada.
Even if I did talk a lot, they listened to every word I say.
I guess they are polite.

" So basically after I tried getting the ball from the ice " I said stopping myself to get a drink " I fell through the ice and you know... my friends jumped in after me to save me "

" I remember you telling me that " Rose said and smiled.

" Well it's not very fun to play on ice " Rose father said " It's good that your okay and...fine "

" So how's the condition of living on a ship? " Chanyeol's mother asked me.
" I love it " I said " Hardly any rats "

No one said a word.

" So is this what you guys do in first class? " I asked.

" What do you mean? " Chanyeol father asked.

" I thought you guys do party and stuff " I said " But it's nice though "
" Oh we don't really do party in dinners " Rose said " I really wish I can go to one "

After answering more of their questions, dinner was over.


Rose POV

" Thanks for joining us! " My father said as he shook Jaehyun's hand " Do you know the way back? "

" Of course I do " Jaehyun answered.

" Alright we'll see you around! "

They were bidding goodbyes to Jaehyun.
I was the last one.

" I hope you had a great time " I said
" I'm sorry if it's kind of boring "
" Oh no it's fine " he said and took out his hands.
We shook our hands and I felt a piece of paper at my hand.

At first I was confused and then I quickly hid it.

Jaehyun walked out the door and I opened the note to see what it said under the table.

           Make it count!
         Meet me at the clock!


I'm planning to write another book after this.

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now