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Rose POV

The next morning I woke up, I wondered how did I ended up in my bed.
Did Jaehyun put me home?
Wait....I went home after the party was over.
I took a deep breath and sigh.

Suddenly the door opened and it was one of the maids.

" Your awake " she smiled " Your mom told me to tell you to go to the dining room "

" I'll be there " I said and she nodded before she left the room.

I changed my outfit to a white sweater and some striped wide leg pants.
I went to the dining room and I saw both of my parents there.
" Sit down " My father said when he saw me.
I listened and sat down.

" What? " I asked.

" We heard you were in the 3rd class party ... " My dad said " What were you doing there? "
" Of course partying " I said " It's better than just sitting down alone at dinner and listen to you guys talk "
" You have Chanyeol " Dad said " You could've talk to him "
" I told you dad " I said " I don't like him. I never will "

" You are still- "

" Honey please don't stress out more " Mom said to dad " Rose. If you need to go anywhere, always tell us first "

" But you would still wouldn't let me " I said and crossed my arms.

She sigh and rubbed her temples.

" Rose What do I do with you? "

" Just let me live my life " I said " If you really love me Mom...dad....let me have my own happiness "


I was at the dock and surprisingly guess who's here?


" I haven't talked to you in days " She said
" We're you busy? "
" Family problem " I said and rolled my eyes.
" Rosanne you don't have to marry Chanyeol " she said and I immediately looked at her.
" Rosanne? " I asked.
" Rosanne " she said " Isn't that your real name? "


No one never called me Rosanne anymore.

They only called me Rose now.

Park Rosanne or Rosanne Park.

No one remember that name anymore.

Except Jisoo since I told her.

My parents never called me by the name Rosanne because they think calling me Rose is better.

I don't think they remember me as Rosanne.

" My father is still forcing me to marry him " I said " I don't love Chanyeol. I have feelings for another guy "

" Who is that guy then? " Jisoo asked.

" Jaehyun " I said " I call him Jae "

" What kind of person is he? " She asked.

" Kind, sweet " I said " A lot more "

" I don't know about this " Jisoo said
" I don't know if your parents will allow you to be with him is instead. For me, I don't think they will ever let you date Jae "

" I know " I said and sigh " That's the problem. I only knew him for 1 or 2 days. I'm already in love with him Jisoo "

" Whatever it is, if you need comfort, you have me alright? " Jisoo said " Don't ever try to do anything stupid. "

" What if your not around? "

" My room number is 234 " she said
" You Obviously know it's in the first class "

" Alright " I said and smiled.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned and I saw Jaehyun.

" I'll leave you two alone " Jisoo said and quickly walked away.

" Jae " I said.

" Rose " He said and smiled showing his dimples " I didn't thought I'd see you here "

" Neither did I " I smiled as I felt my heart beating faster.
I noticed he had a sketch book with him so I asked him about it.
" What's that book for? " I asked as I Pointed my fingers at the book.
I know I've seen him with that book before somewhere.

But I didn't know what he does with it.
Not that I'm trying to be nosy.

" Oh...I draw " He said " I've been drawing every since I was a little boy "

" That's cute "

" Uhm Thanks " He said " Anyways, I'm gonna draw the ocean "
" Can I watch? " I asked.
" Sure " he smiled " You can sit next to me if you want "
" Thanks " I said and sat next to him on one of the benches.

I watched him draw the rail of the ships along with the birds flying in the sky and the ocean.

I was surprised he can draw like this.
It was one of the most amazing arts I've ever seen.
I did remember having some arts hanging in my room back in Korea.
It was from a friend back then.

" Wow this is amazing " I said totally blown away he can draw this good with just a pencil " it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen "

" Thanks " He smiled shyly.

" How did you learn how to draw? " I asked.

" Well " He said " My parents would often be kind of be busy sometimes. Dad would sometimes work home or out of home. I was always bored since they're always working and I didn't have much friends in school "

" .........Oh... "

I looked at him to let him continue speaking.

" That's when I started to draw during my free times in school cause in recess I'm always lonely " he said " Anyways, as time past by I learned how to draw and I became better and better at it. I would sometimes draw my parents but they wouldn't give me the time to show it to them either. And then one day they vanished from the world. "

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked " I said as I got a little close to him.
I did feel bad. Here I am complaining how much I hate my parents and here he is, never having the time to ever spend time with his parents.
It made me somehow feel like I was the bad guy.

" No it's okay don't apologize " He said
" It's not your fault they died "

" I hope your doing well " I said " You have friends now do you? "

" Of course " He said " Why you asked? "

" Well if you didn't have any friends, I would want to be one " I smiled.

" Your the first female friend honestly " He said " Your the first female I've talked to "

" Your the first guy who makes me feel loved " I said " If it weren't for you, I would've been dead "
" Well....your not dead " he said " By the way, did you had a great time last night? "

" Honestly Yes " I said " I would want to go again "

3rd class party was way better than 1st class.

" Also How you did learn that ballerina thing " he said " How'd you it? "

" I used to do ballet when I was 8 " I said
" I learned how to do it but I quit ballerina when I was 12 "

" Oh "

" Anyways....My parents wouldn't be in the room today " I said " Wanna come over? "

" Sure "


Sorry for the late update

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