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Rose POV

I ran back inside of the ship as I heard my mother and father yelling my name.

I didn't care.

All I cared about was finding Jaehyun.

I remembered one of the ship workers arresting Jaehyun and they said they will take him to the basement.
I wasted no time using the stairs to get down.
I wasn't dumb enough to use the elevators because it wouldn't work.
I ran as fast as mr feet's could do and hoping Jaehyun is alright.

I got to the basement and I saw that the floor was already flooded with water but not really high enough.
I stepped into the water and it reached towards my knees.
The water was freezing and I felt my legs numb.
" Jae! " I yelled " Jae where are you?! "

I walked around the empty hallways while yelling his name.

" Jae! " I yelled " Please! Jae where are you?! It's me Rose!!! "

I looked around until I heard someone yelling back afar.

I immediately ran towards the sound.

" Jae is that you?! "

The more I ran, the more the yelling became audible.

" Rose I'm over here!! " I heard a familiar voice shout " Over here?! "

If came from a room and I immediately ran towards it.

There, I saw Jaehyun. He didn't seem like he was hurt but the problem was that he was tied against a pull.
His hands were cuffed against the pole and was struggling to get out.
" Oh my god Jae " I said and ran towards him " You okay! "

I gave him a slight kiss and looked at his eyes.
" I'm sorry " I said " I'm sorry I let them take you! I'm such a idiot- "

" No no Rose it's fine " He said " What made you change your mind? "

" I figured you'd never steal anything from me " I said honestly " I knew you weren't that type of person and it had to be somewhat Chanyeol's plan. I'm thinking he must've placed it on her pocket "

He nodded and shook his hands that were cuffed against a pole.

" I can't get out " he said " You have to find a weapon or something! "
I quickly looked around and saw no weapon.
" Should I look somewhere outside? " I asked.
" Yes please! " he said " Also hurry cause the water is freezing! " I nodded and quickly head out the room to find a weapon that could break the chains.

I walked on the floor that was covered in icy cold water and I felt like my feet would get frostbites.

I looked at one of the emergency fire extinguishers and next to it was an axe.

I ran towards it and broke the glass and took the axe.
" This'll work " I muttered.
I quickly ran back to where Jaehyun was at and he was shocked when he saw me holding an axe.
" Rose " He said " I don't know if I could trust you with that "

" It's the only thing I found " I said and he nodded.
" Look at that wooden board " he said and looked behind me " Practice hitting it first and then break the cuffs with it "
There was a wooden board and I practiced hitting it.
After about 3 tries I quickly ran up to him and took a deep breath.

" I trust you Rose " He said " Now in a count to 3 I want you to break it okay? "
" Okay " I nodded.
" I 2 3! " I heard him said.
I was scared I might accidentally hit him instead.
I shook out the feelings and hit the cuffs with the axe.

" Rose you did it! " He said and hugged me.
I was also surprised myself too.
We had a little bonding moment until I realized we had to leave that place.
" Let's go back up yeah? " He said and I nodded.

Finally, Jae is free.


I made another book!

Please check it out!

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