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Third person's POV

Morning past by and for the first time in a couple of weeks, Jaehyun decided to go back to the dock.

He wanted get fresh air and look at the morning sky.

He walked towards the railing and leaned against it.

He stayed at the place and he remembered the times when Rose would usually be there too.

Thinking of Rose, he wanted to see her badly.

But he knew he can't.

Other people were there with him.

Usually old married couples and pets.

The weather was cold but it didn't bother him

Meanwhile, Rose woke up and the first thing she did was shower.
She remembered wanting to wait to see if Jaehyun would be at the dock.
She quickly finished up and wore a white with red velvet heart shape print dress.

She slipped on her heels and quietly left her room without her parents noticing.

When she got there, she was surprised, no VERY surprised when she saw Jaehyun's back facing her.

" Jae " She let out.

Jaehyun heard the familiar voice and he turned around and his heart skipped a beat.

He never thought he'd see her again.

" Rose..... "

" Look I've changed my mind " Rose said
" I shouldn't have left you there alone. I'm sorry Jae "

" No it's fine " He said " I understand "

" Jae I want you to know that all of those time we spend together....I loved it " She said " But I love you too "

Jaehyun couldn't help but smile.

His dimples showed when he smiled and his face kind of bloated but it was what made it looked so cute.

" I shouldn't have said that " She muttered under her breath.

But because not many people were there and it was pretty quiet, he heard what she said.

" No " Jaehyun said and walked towards her " I love you too "

He held Rose hands and got close back to the railing.

" You- "

" Shh " He said and put a finger over his lips " Close your eyes Rose "

Rose didn't know why he said that but he closed her eyes anyways.

" Jae? What are you doing? " She said as she felt Jaehyun pulling her closer.

" Do you trust me? " He asked.

" I trust you "

Jaehyun helped Rose climb up the railing.

Later he also got on top of it too.

" Jae What is this? "

" Just keep your eyes close "

She did what he told her to do.

She later felt Jaehyun pull her arms up like an airplane.

" Open your eyes now " He said and she did.

When she did, she saw how beautiful the ocean was and she loved how the cool air hit her face.

She saw the sun going up but even so, the weather was quite cold.

" Jae " She said " I feel like I'm flying! "

Jaehyun hands traveled from her waist to her hands.

He held her hands and hold onto them tightly.

For the first time in her life, Rose felt free.

All the stress that she carried on her shoulders were now gone.

" You should smile more " Jaehyun said his lips close to her ears " Your way more beautiful that way "

" Thank you "

" You are very welcome "

" besides I never got to asked " He said
" Why'd you come to the titanic? "

" Well " She started off " One of my friend's lived there and....her mom and my mom were very close friends and we'd go to New York every year to see how they're doing "

" So got going to New York too? "

" Yep "

" Well when the ship docks " He said and looked at her " I'm getting off with you "

Rose smiled and when she turned her head to look at him, they're faces were so close that their noses touched.

It was pretty awkward but Jaehyun played it cool.

He suddenly got close to her lips and there......

That's when they shared their first kiss.



My book is so lame right now but what kept me going is because of you guys!

We are almost teaching 1000 views!!!!

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