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Taeyong's POV

I woke up by the sound of waters dripping.

Who could possibly be taking a shower by this time?
Was it Jaemin or Jeno?
I sat up and rubbed my eyes but I saw the both of them sleeping on the bed next to mines.
Wait what?

I placed my feet to the floor and I felt my feet getting wet.
I flinched and looked down to see water coming in.
" Jeno Jaemin our room is flooding!! " I yelled as I threw a pillow toward them.
" Tayong hyung Stop yelling! " Jaemin yelled back and threw the pillow right back at me.

" I'm serious! " I said as I saw more and more waters flooding in.
Jeno sat up and rubbed my his eyes.
" Flooding? " He blurted out confused.
I jumped to my back to my bed and shook Jaemin awake.
" We have to get out!! " I yelled.

I then suddenly remembered something.....

Where's Jaehyun?

Is he with Rose?

Is he okay?

I also need to find him and also Rose if possible.

" Holy Shit our room is flooding!! " I heard Jaemin screeched " Jeno did you left the sink open?! "
" No I did not! " Jeno yelled " I didn't even use the bathroom! "
" You Guys stop arguing! " I said and looked at them " Get your shoes and get out of the room cause we need to find Jaehyun and Rose "

They nodded and quickly slipped on their shoes.
I threw them their jackets and I also wore my jacket as well.
Jeno walked towards the flooding water and opened the door.
Good thing the water wasn't high enough to block the door.

" Taeyong hyung hurry " Jaemin said and I quickly slipped on my boots.
We got out of our room and saw that many people rooms are flooding as well.
What is happening?
Why is it flooding?

A couple of screams were audible as we ran through the hallways.
I also saw some of the ship's worker passing out life jackets.
I couldn't help but think the ship was sinking.
I have to think positive first!

One of the workers handed me a life jacket and also telling me to quickly put it on.
I also couldn't help but asked what's going on.
" please sir tell me what's happening to the ship " I begged " You can tell me right? "
" I'm sorry I'm in a hurry right now! " The man said " If I tell you then you'd most likely freak out "

" I'm not the type to freak out and go crazy! " I said and held his shoulders
" Just please tell me what's going on so I can protect my friends! "
The man sigh. I knew in his mind he was debating to wether tell me or not.
But I wasn't going to let him go until I get answers.

I've also got my sleep taken away as well.

" Fine " He said " The ship....it's starting to sink. Within an hour or so the ship will be lost deep in the ocean. That's it. I've told you now...I've gotta go now! "

The man then ran away to some other people handing them life jackets.

I realized Jaemin and Jeno didn't get one and since Jaemin was the youngest I put my life jacket on him.

" We gotta go now! " I said " To the dock cause I'm pretty sure the life boats will be there! "

" The ship is sinking isn't? " Jeno asked.

" Yes " I said " The ship is sinking and we have to find Jaehyun and Rose first "


Just felt like updating today so yeah.

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