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Rose POV

Right after dinner, I made an excuse to go out.

I walked around the halls and I came across the royal stair case.
There, I saw the back of Jaehyun's light brown hair and suit.
I stepped up the stairs and then he suddenly turned around.
" Right on time " he said as the clock strike 9.

" So why'd you call me here? " I asked.

" You said you wanted to go to a party " he said and I nodded my head " Instead of those fancy musics....let's have a real party "

Third Person's POV

The place was loud and everyone was feeling the music.

Jaehyun was dancing with a little girl about 8 years old.
Rose sat next to Taeyong, Jaemin and Jeno.
" So your a first class aren't you? " Jeno asked.
" What?! I can't hear you?! " Rose said as she yelled through the music.
She was also clapping because that was the first thing she saw when she first came here.

She then heard a " Thud! " and she turned around to look at what it was. It was a man who past out from being drunk.
3 other guys helped him up but she couldn't help but laugh a moment.

" Your name is Rose right?! " A red haired guy asked her " I'm Lee Taeyong! Jaehyun's friend "
" Oh nice to meet you! " Rose said and shook his hand.
" Is this your first time in a 3rd class party?? " Jaemin asked her.
" Yes " She nodded.

In a blink of an eye, Taeyong was gone who sat in front of her.
" Where'd he go? " Rose asked Jeno.
" Oh he's over there " He pointed to see Taeyong dancing with a girl " Why you asked? "
" Oh he just suddenly disappeared " She said.

Suddenly, the music stopped and everyone stopped dancing.

" Alright I'm gonna dance with her now Alright " Jaehyun said as he told the little girl and pointed at Rose " Come on "

" Wait What? Me? "

" Yeah come on "

Jaehyun pulled Rose from her seat.

" Jae...I can't do this "

" Well we're are gonna have to get a little closer " He said as he pulled Rose towards him.

Jaehyun noticed  Ariel, the little girl with a pout on her face.
" Don't worry Ariel " He said " Your still my best girl "
The little girl smiled and nodded.
" Jae I don't know how to this to this " Rose said.

" Neither do I " He said " But just follow along alright? "

They started to dance while twirling around in circles.
Everyone was. The stomping of their feets can be heard as well.
" Jae! " Rose yelled " Slow down! "

Jae didn't listen.
He knew she was having fun.
He knew she never smiled so brightly.
But now she is.

They both started to move up to the stage where some people danced there.

" Jae! " Rose said " Not in the- "
" It'll be fun " He said " Trust me "

They got to the stage and Jaehyun started to do this foot dance?

It was cool either way.

Rose smiled and took off her heels.

She placed her shoes on the corner of the stage and started to do the same thing.

Later they both linked their arms again and spun around.


Chanyeol POV

I was playing gambling and I won once again.

To be honest I'm the best gambler player.

I looked around and I didn't saw Rose.

I only saw her parents.

She must be somewhere with this Jaehyun guy.

I know she is.

" Oh Sehun! "

" Yes Sir? " he said as he quickly came.

" Go to the 3rd class party " I said
" and look over Rose "

" Yes Sir " He said and bowed before he left.

Rose POV

We were all dancing like crazy.

By the way, after Jaehyun and I both danced on the stage, we joined a line that was dancing.
I held onto Jaehyun's hand as I felt his tight grip over my small hands.
I was laughing and smiling.
I don't think I've ever smiled and had been ever this much.

We went around in circles and all that.

It was we called lit party.

After dancing, Jaehyun and I decided it was time for break.

We saw 2 mens arm wrestling while other guys chanted for them.
Jaehyun went over to them and took some drinks behind their tables.
" Have some " he said and smiled.
I didn't noticed he had dimples till now.
Holy shit.

Anyways, after he handed me a glass of beer, I gulped it down while he watched me.
" What? " I said " You think a first class girl can't drink? "
" Never said that " he chuckled " What else can you do? "
" Hold on " I said and took a cigarette from one of the men's mouth.
" You Guys think you are so tough huh? " I said as I inhaled his cigarette.

The men didn't say anything.

I blew the smoke right at his face and put down the cigarette.

" Let me show you what I can do " I said and pulled up my dress.
" Jae Hold this for me " I said.
He was confused at first but held it for me anyway.
I took a deep breath and I started to lift my heels up.

I was still barefooted.

After raising my heels up, I balanced my toes like how a ballerina would do.

All of the mens mouth wide opened and I let go of my foot and fell onto Jaehyun's chest.

Luckily he catched me before I fell to the ground.

It was honestly the best night ever.


Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for the late update!

Anyways have y'all heard about the new?!

EXO Chen is getting married and is becoming a father!

I'm honestly so happy for him and I'm supporting him!

I think you guys should to!

Anyways see y'all next time!

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now