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Jung Jaehyun POV

The next morning I woke up, I felt a shooting pain hit me inside my head and I immediately hissed.
The bathroom door opened and it was Taeyong.
" Oh your awake " he said " How's your head? "
" What happened last night? " I asked him.

" You drank too much " he said " You should've stopped at your 15th shot "

I only let out a groan and another hiss.

" Take a shower " he said " You smell like alcohol "
I got up from my bed and stretched.
I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower.
After I was done, I put on a black ripped jeans and a white shirt.
I'm pretty simple.

" Can we have breakfast? " I asked Taeyong as he slipped on a flip flop.
" Yeah we are going to the dining room stupid " he said.

We walked to dining room while talking and we got our food.
We were trying to find a table to eat until I heard my name being called.
I turned around and......Jaemin?

" Yo Jaehyun! " he said as he waved his hand around in the air " Over here! Taeyong over here! "

Taeyong and I walked towards Jaemin and Jeno was sitting next to him.
" We were waiting for you " Jeno said and smiled " Sit down and eat with us "
I remember last night when Jaemin was looking for Jeno.
Turns out Jeno was just using the bathroom and really had to.....diarrhea.

" How are you guys doing on this very fine morning? " Taeyong asked as he ate his rice.
" Oh we're doing great " Jaemin said
" I still want some of that rainbow cake from yesterday "
" Eating too much sugar can cause diabetes " Taeyong said " You ate like...5 of them "
" Alcohol are bad too " Jeno said
" You've drank them last night "

Jeno's eyes narrowed at me and I only rolled my eyes.
" I'm a grown ass man and I can do whatever I want " I said as I ate my meat
" My decision my life "

" Let's not talk about that " Taeyong said putting out an awkward smile
" Let's talk about our times here "

" My brother wanted to go but he had work so he promised to come with us next time " Jeno said " What about you? "
" Well a friend of mines...I mean ours had the ticket to go with his mother " Taeyong said " Turns out, she couldn't because she got too sick so he gave us the tickets to go instead "

" That's nice of him " Jaemin said.

We all talked about our friends back in Korea and after I was done, I went back to my room and slept.

The next I woke up, it was kind of dark.
I didn't know where Taeyong was so I assumed he was with Jaemin and Jeno.

I suddenly realized that I bought my notebook with me so I opened up my suitcase and took out my drawing book and a pencil.

I know this sound so childish I own a drawing book but I love to draw every since when I was little.
When I'm bored, I would always draw the stack of roses on a vase back when I was a little kid.
I would draw my dad while he is working and my mom while she is cooking dinner for me.
Too bad they're gone now.

They left me alone in this world....

But....I learned to move on when Taeyong came along.
I would always draw but I didn't draw yesterday so I planned to today.
I walked out of the room and made sure to lock it.
I then made my way to the dock.

The sky was dark and I saw the stars shining brightly.
I sat on one of the benches and looked around what to draw.
I then heard the sound of high heels clicking and I looked up to saw the red haired girl I saw a few days earlier.

She sat on one of those tables and later another girl with black curly hair sat in front of her.

They must be friends.

I don't know why but I started to sketch them on my notebook.

After I was done, I looked at my drawing and smiled to myself.
I only needed color pencils to fill in the colors but I didn't have any at that moment.
For a second, I couldn't help but to admire the girl with red hair, who's hair was shining under the light.
Okay I really need to stop being creepy.

She suddenly tilted her head at me and I quickly looked away.

I covered my face with my notebook and stood up.
I scratched my head and cursed under my breath for being so dumb.
I quickly walked away from the dock and made my way back into the room.

" Oh where were you? " Taeyong asked me the moment I stepped into the room.
" Just....out for a fresh...air " I said and slipped off my shoes.
" Why do you have your notebook in your hand? " He asked me and I quickly closed it and put it back at my suitcase.
" Just drawing the stars in the sky " I lied.

" Where were you? " I asked him.
" Oh I was with Jaemin and Jeno " he said
" we thought we could tag you along but your ass was asleep "
" Shut up I know I'm lazy " I said and sat in the bed in front of him.
" Anyways it got pretty dark out " he said.

" Yeah.... "

" Anyways we have dinner in 10 minutes " He said " We are gonna go with Jeno and Jaemin together...wanna tag along? "

" Of course " I said " Why wouldn't I? "

" Okay then " he said " They're room number is 276 "

" Why are you telling me this? "

" I'll race you there! "


Sorry if I keep updating so much!

I just love to make stories!

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