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Third person's POV

Rose and Jaehyun made their way towards Class 1.

The door was opened by a man in a suit and greeted them in with a warm smile.

" Is your room far from here? " He asked as they were walking.
" Kinda " she answered.
They both walked up the royal staircase and Jae saw that the clock striked 5:40.

' Rose must always been alone in the afternoons ' he thought.

Rose took out a key from her little bag and opened a room.
" Come on in "

Jaehyun walked inside the room and was unbelievably shocked by how big and fancy it was.

It had so many luxurious things he felt so poor to even step inside the room.

" Are you just gonna stand there? " She asked as she chuckled.
" Huh What? " he asked after snapping out of reality.
" Come on already " she said and he stepped in so she can close the door.

Rose has a very strict parents. One thing they always warn her about being alone in a room or house is to always make sure the door is locked.

Even if you think you locked it, just double check.

" Oh my who is this Rose? " A maid asked as she came in from the kitchen.
" Oh hi Lisa " Rose smiled " This is Jaehyun. He's a friend "
" Oh I see " Lisa said " Do you want anything? "
" Would you like snacks? " Rose asked Jaehyun.

" Oh no I'm fine " Jaehyun said " No need "

" Okay I'll leave to alone " Lisa said and walked away " If you need anything just call me. I've got other things to take care of "

" Okay "

With that she walked out of the room.

" So What do you think about this place? " Rose asked.

" It's very......cool I guess "

Rose guided Jaehyun around the room and also showed him her room.

But later they went back to the living room.

" Is that your dad's watch? " Jaehyun asked as he pointed to a golden watch.
It was covered in gold and it was the most fanciest thing he's ever seen.
" Oh no that's Chanyeol's " She answered.

" How much did it cost? " He asked.

" About over a million " She answered.

If Jaehyun was rich, he'd buy a watch too.

Sometimes Jaehyun wish he was rich, but his parents told him rich people are greedy.

Rose isn't greedy right?

" Anyways Jae " She said " Can I see your book? "

" Sure "

Rose opened the book and started to look at his drawings.

" Is that suppose to be a dragon? "

" I drew that when I was like 14 "

" What about this cute kitty? "

" I drew that 2 years ago "

It felt nice to Jaehyun looking at his old drawings.

" Is this suppose to be your mom and dad? " Rose asked.

" Yep "

" Your mom has curly hair? "

" Yep "

Rose turned the page and then saw a picture of 2 girls sitting on a table.

It was the time when Jaehyun drew them when he saw them on the dock.

" Who are these girls? " Rose said
" That girl looks like my friend Jisoo "

Jaehyun quickly took the book back and hid it.

" That's not....your friend Jisoo "

" But the other girl looked like me "

" No it wasn't you "

" Then Who are they? "

" No one. Just random people " he lied.

In fact his heart is beating faster and faster,

" Whatever " She said and rolled her eyes
" I'll find it out myself then "

" No you won't "

" Yes I will "

" Anyways Jae " Rose said as she stood up from the soft couch " I need you to draw me like one of those random people "

" Huh? "

" I want you to draw me "

" So Like then...how are you gonna pose? " he asked.

" Well Kind of like a fancy way so I can hang it up on my wall " she answered.

" I'll need a big piece of paper " he said
" and a frame "

" Don't worry I've got those " she said as she went to her room " Hold on I'll change first "


As time past, Jaehyun was almost done sketching Rose.

She was laid down in a sofa, only wearing panties but a white silky fabric covered her tits.

" And done " Jaehyun said as he finished it up.

" How is it? " she asked

" Very beautiful " he said " If this was in a shop, I'd buy it "

Rose only chucked and blushed.

She got up and covered the rest of her body with the white blanket.

" Thank you Jae " she said " I'd always wanted to be a painter but my parents say that I'd never made good money out of it "

" I do draw but I never sell them " he said
" Because most of them are for memories "

" Oh "

Rose went back to her room and quickly changed and when she came back out, she saw Jaehyun by the sketch of her he made.

" What should I do with this? " He asked.

" Just put it in my room " she said
" I'll hang it up later "

He went to her room and put it down on her bed.

" So do you wanna eat anything? " she asked.

" I don't know maybe- "

Suddenly they heard the voice of her mom from the doorsteps.
" Rose! "

" Jae go hide quick! "


TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now