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Jung Jaehyun POV

Taeyong and I got our room.

He opened the door and took a second to look around.
" It's a bit bigger than I expected " He said
" Oh well "
I looked around and he was right. It was pretty big.
" Even if this is third class I still feel so poor to live here " I said walking around the room " I call the bed in the left mines "

" Fine I'll take the right then " He said and sat on it " Anyways I'm gonna start unpacking. You should too "

I did what he told me to do. I hanged all my clothes in the closet and my shoes by the door, I put my shampoo and body wash on the bathroom and all that stuff.

By time we were done, it was afternoon and we were both hungry.
" You know what? " Taeyong said as he looked at me " I think we should explore the ship around. What you think? "

" Hmm not bad " I said and we both rushed to the door.
" Bitch move "
" No let me put on my shoes "
" Your stepping on mines! "
" Ow! Don't step on my foot you fool! "
" Shut up move! "

I was the first to slip on my shoes and get out of the room.

" Race you to the downstair bar! " I said and ran.
" Hey you cheater! " I heard him yell as I ran.
I ran downstairs and when I got there, I heard music jamming loudly.
I looked and saw everyone eating and dancing and singing and all that.

Taeyong catched up to me and looked around as well.
" Hmm I didn't expect it to be....this much..... " he said and pulled my arms as we went down " Look! Spicy rice cakes! "

" You know what? " I said " I'll just have a beer "
" Beer is not enough to fill your empty stomach! " He said and pulled me back
" Have some kimchi fried rice then " He said " or if you want....tofu? "

" I'll have the rice cakes " I said and he left to get them.

To be honest, I was really thankful Taeyong appeared in my life.
He had this motherly love towards me and all the guys.
If it weren't for him, I don't know how life will be like.
He was the person who stood by my side and never left.

I smiled at the thought and I didn't noticed him in front of me.
" Hello???~~~ " He said snapping and waving his fingers at me.
" Oh wait what? " I said snapping back to reality.
" I got your food bro " he said " eat it all "

" Right " I said and started to eat.

While eating, I noticed a boy with brown hair who seemed to be lost.
I nudged Taeyong's arm and pointed at the boy.
" He seems lost " I said " Should we help him? "

The boy was looking around and his face showed worried and lost.
" I don't know should we? " Taeyong said raising an eyebrow.
I walked towards the guy and tapped his shoulder while Taeyong was behind me.
" You seem lost " I said " Is there anyway I can help you? "

" Oh yeah I lost my friend Jeno " he said in a worried tone " I don't know where he is. Please help me "

" Okay where did you last see him? " Taeyong asked.
" I saw him at the food table " the boy said
" So I came back from using the bathroom and he isn't anywhere "
" What's your name? " I asked him.

" Oh..... I'm Na Jaemin "


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