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Rose POV

I swear I hate dinner with the Park family.

I told my mom I wasn't hungry, an excuse to not go with them but it ended up with Chanyeol and I having a little Tea date at our dining room.

" So " Chanyeol said as he sipped his tea
" You were hanging out with that Jaehyun guy these past few days haven't you? "

" Why do you care? " I asked.

" I don't like that guy " he said and gave me a stern look " Stay away from him. Got it? "

" Don't tell me what to do " I said and furrowed my eyebrows " I don't care if you don't like him. It's not my problem "

I honestly don't care if he knew I liked Jaehyun. Jaehyun was the best man I've ever met. Nothing could change that. I love him.

I didn't know how I fell in love with a man I only knew for a few days.

" Stop being such a brat " he said " I'm your fiancé soon to be hus- "

" I never agreed on that marriage " I said raising my voice a little higher.
He stayed silent and then his eyes locked on mines.
" Even if you didn't agree " he said
" Your still gonna be marrying me because your father is going bankrupt and there's no way he could make it without me and my family "

" I don't care if I end up on the streets " I said " Its better than dealing with someone who is a pain in the ass "

He glared at me and I sipped my tea.

" It's not like you ever loved me or had feelings for me before " I began
" You only want to play with my heart. Your a heart throbber and I don't want to marry a man who I didn't love and who will eventually leave me once he is done using me as his toy "

He glared at me harder and it looked like it would burn holes to my forehead cause of it.

" You know nothing about me Park Rose " He said " Your right. I am a heart throbber. And you are just like one of those useless women who hoes around and thirsty for money "

" I am not a hoe you fool " I said
" The only hoe I know here is you. Manwhore "

" Whatever you say Park Rose " He said and sipped his tea " You'll still end up marrying me wether you like it or not. Its not even your choice anymore. And I also suppose you stop hanging out with that Jaehyun guy "

" You know nothing about him! " I said and glared at him.

" Well I know that he is a third class passenger and is pretty poor " he said
" I can't believe you hangout with that poor guy and not me. I don't know what he has that is special to you but- "

" He's special because he makes me happy unlike you who always annoyed the shit out of me! " I said " Don't talk shit about him you bastard! "

" Why does it always has to be him! " He yelled back " I hate it when you always hang out with him and leave me behind like I am a nobody to you! I am your fiancé and there's nothing you could to change your father's mind! "

He slammed his hands on the table and literally flipped the tables over knocking off the teacups, plates and pots.

He kicked his chair behind and walked away from the dining room.

I was so startled that I froze for a moment and got back to reality when I saw one of the maids Lisa getting on the ground and picked up the glass pieces.

I quickly bend over and picked them up too.

" Oh my " She muttered " What even happened? "

" Just a little accident " I said.

" Are you okay? " she asked me.

I nodded in response.

" Here " She said and stood me up
" I will take care of this, you can go back to your room "

" But Lisa- "

" Rose just rest for now " she said
" I've got this. The others will help me "

I sigh and gave up. I started to walk towards my room and slammed the door shut. I laid in my bed and I still felt my heart beating faster from what Chanyeol did. Damn he snapped.

But I never knew I would hate him so much more than I already did.


Sorry for the late update once again!

You guys might as well get used to me with late updates because I keep forgetting.

Anyways have a nice day!

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