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Rose POV

Jaehyun and I both ran up the stairs as water began rising up.

By this point, the grand staircase in Class 1 must have been all flooded.
" I don't remember the way back " I said to Jaehyun.
" It's fine " he said " besides no one really goes here often "
I nodded and we both opened a random door and ran down the halls.

We had to get out of this basement before it is completely full of water.
Jaehyun saw another door and tried opening it.
" Move Rose " He said and slightly pushed me back.
I looked at him confused and found out quickly he is busting the door down again.

" Be careful " I said " Your shoulders.... "
" I will be fine " he assured. He then started to hit the door with his shoulders and after a couple of hits, the door broke and it led us to another hallway where people were there.
" Hey you! " we heard a voice. But we didn't care and walked to the left side of the hallway.

" You! " a man angry voice said " You can't just break a door like that! You might as well have to pay for it- "

Who cared if we had to pay for it. The ship is sinking and I could careless about the door. Irritated, Jaehyun and I turned to the man and yelled " Shut up! "

He eventually shut up and we both used the stairs that led us up to Class 2.

I then suddenly realized something....

" Jae.... "

" What is it Rose? "

" Your friends.... "

" Shit " Jae let out " We have to find them "

" Where could they be? " I asked.

" Probably still in the room " he said
" Maybe already in the life boats? "

I could tell Jaehyun was worried for his friends.

I was too because his friends were the most nicest people I've met.

Other than Jisoo.

Come thinking about it....


Holy crap.

My eyes were wide as the sudden realization.

Please tell me she is okay....

Please tell me she is on the life boats and is safely brought to land.

" Jae! " we heard a voice said.

We both turned around and....my heart skipped a beat.

" Taeyong! " I yelled out.

He ran towards us with Jaemin and Jeno behind his back and we all had a group hug.

" Gosh I thought something happened to you guys " Jaehyun said and forced a smile.

" Don't worry we are all okay " Taeyong said " Rose? Where are your parents? "

" That's a long story " I said and let out a fake smile.

" Okay maybe that we are all here we could go to the life boats right? " Jaemin said and we all nodded.

" It's this way let's go " Jaehyun said and we all followed him from behind...


Sorry I hadn't been updating.

I had a high fever.

TITANIC ( NCT Jaehyun X Blackpink Rose ) Where stories live. Discover now