Chapter 1

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She watched as the sun began to rise, on the very beautiful planet known as Coruscant..... it has been her home, since she could remember.

She loved how every morning, there was always a different color to the sky.... yesterday it was pink, today it was bright orange... but it was still beautiful.

"Alia time for training it is."

She turned around, and was greeted by her Master... "Yes Master yoda" she replied gently towards him. Alia turned towards the rising sun one last time, and smiled.... today was gonna be great she thought!

"The force is strong with you it is" Master Yoda replied, but Alia was off in her own world.... she heard a voice in her head, it wasn't one she knew... but she could sense that who ever it was, was in great pain... suffering, heartbroken.

She felt a smack against her leg... she quickly snapped out of her own thoughts, "U-um yes thank you Master" she gently said.

"Master? Can I ask you something?" Alia said nervously, he stopped in his tracks... and slowly turned towards her. "Question is it?" He replied, he didn't wanna hear what she had to say... because he could sense that she was uncomfortable, he could sense something was bothering her.

"Later can it?" He said to her, she nodded and gently said "Yes Master".

Alia was training for what seemed for hours, but she could feel her powers grow stronger.... she was happy, she was gonna be the greatest Jedi...she could be.

She felt the sweat roll down her face, she quickly wiped it away.... "Ready for the trials you are!" She snapped her head towards her Master direction, she smiled and nodded.

This was a very exciting moment for her, she had been training since the Jedi found her around  the age of 5 and now after 7 years, she was finally getting ready to become a Jedi.....she was gonna be the very first padawan to ever finish training so early.

"When do I start?" She quickly said.

"Soon you will, now rest you should" he replied back.

She smiled and rushed off, but stopped... she looked at her Master and said " thank you Master yoda!" He nodded and walked away.

She rushed through out the temple, she suddenly bumped into someone.... she fell over.

She laughed and said "my apologies" she looked up and soon lost color to her face..... "Young Padawan you must look where you are going" a deep voice spoke.

"I-I'm so sorry Master Qui Gon!" She smiled.

He laughed and pulled her into a hug, "you've gotten a lot taller last time we met" he said....

"Well it's been 5 years since we last saw one another" she replied back.

"Why are you out of training so early?" He questioned her....  "Master yoda is letting me take the trials soon" she said with a smile, he lifted up his brow and smiled....

"You are very strong with the force Alia" he said....

Alia was shocked.... Qui Gon has never said her name before, suddenly she sensed what she felt earlier.... she closed her eyes.... where are you she thought? Who are you?

She opened her eyes and noticed Qui Gon wasn't alone.... she noticed her friend Obi wan, next to him was a young boy....

The young boy hid behind Obi Wan, "hello I'm Alia" she gently said.... his faces turned bright red, "A-Are you an angel?" He replied back.

Obi Wan laughed.... "aren't you a funny little boy" she said gently, he frowned and said "I'm not a boy.... my name is Anakin, Anakin Skywalker". She jumped a little at what he had said.... "My apologize" she gently replied.

She felt kinda embarrassed.... and frowned and politely excused herself, before she got to far... Qui Gon said "don't forget about the Jedi meeting" she nodded and hurried off.

She thought to herself.... there is something about that boy, she just can't put a finger on it..... she felt like she's seen him somewhere, in a dream maybe? Or was he the one she sensed? She shrugged the feeling off and hurried off to find Master Yoda.....

Alia background story:

She has no memory of her parents... The Jedi found her at a young age, they sensed that she was strong with the force and decided to take her to Coriscant and train her.

I truly hope you like this fanfic!!
May the force be with you all! ❤️

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