Chapter 37

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Dooku turned switches on a control panel, his interstellar ship was guarded by a squad of droids... the doors of the exit port slid open.

"Your excellency!" The Droid Captain exclaimed.

Dooku turned around as Alia, Obi Wan and Anakin ran through the hanger doors... they all three drew their lightsabers, the droids raised their weapons.

"That won't be necessary, Captain... stand down, and leave them to me," Dooku ordered.

Dooku looked at Alia, Obi Wan and Anakin with slight amusement...

"We move in together... Anakin, you move to the left... Alia... Obi Wan ordered but paused.

"I'm taking him now!!" Alia ran forward.

"Alia, no!!" Anakin and Obi Wan both yelled.

"You shall pay for all the Jedi you've killed today... Dooku" Alia snarled... she charged across the open space towards Dooku.... Dooku smiled faintly, watching her charge towards him.

Alia raised her lightsaber... but at the last moment Dooku thrusted out his arm, lifted her up and hurled her across the room... slammed her against the opposite wall, she fell to the foot of the wall... she quickly stood up.

Dooku moves his way towards Anakin and Obi Wan.

"Kenobi, isn't it? As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours... Now back down" Dooku threatened.

"I don't think so," Obi Wan lifted his lightsaber.

Dooku smiled...

"Ah, but if I must," Dooku replied while lifting his lightsaber... he and Obi Wan started to circle, Alia saw that Anakin was losing patience.

Suddenly Anakin charged towards Dooku... but before he could get any further Dooku lifted his hand and sent Anakin flying... Anakin landed on his back next to Alia, he was sub-conscious.... Alia kneeled down beside Anakin, making sure he was okay... she then turned to watch Dooku and Obi Wan.

"I have spent the last ten years learning to use the power of the dark side... it gives me infinitely more power," Dooku spoke.

"You'll have to prove it," Obi Wan said... swinging his saber fast, Dooku blocked it easily. As they fought, it quickly became clear... Dooku was a complete swordsman.... elegant, graceful... classical, master of the old style.

"Master Kenobi, you disappoint me... Yoda holds you in such high esteem...." Dooku paused, concentrating on his swing.

"Surely you can do better.... No, I'm surprised! Has Jedi swordsmanship degenerated... so quickly, or are you trying to make fun of me? Dooku continued.

Dooku swung his saber towards Obi Wan... Obi Wan quickly stepped back, panting out of breath.

"Come, come... Master Kenobi," Dooku snarled.

Obi Wan took a relaxing breath, tightening his grip on his lightsaber... For a spilt second, he drives Dooku back... then Dooku's superior skill began to tell again, and he forces Obi Wan to retreat back... Dooku increased the tempo of his attacks, Obi Wan was pushed to the limit on defending himself... Dooku swung... their lightsabers flash.

Suddenly Obi Wan was wounded in the shoulder, then the thigh... he stumbled back against the wall, tripped.... and fell. His lightsaber slid across the floor... Obi Wan looked up helplessly... Alia turned towards Anakin, who was slowly getting up... she helped him up.

"Go help him!" Alia replied with a smile. She knew he'd feel good... about saving his Master... again.

Anakin stood up... and looked challengingly towards Dooku... they stared at each other.

"That's brave of you, boy.... but foolish, I would have thought you'd learn your lesson," Dooku commented.

"I'm a slow learner," Anakin shrugged.

Anakin charged at Dooku... the force of his attack caught Dooku slightly off balance... Anakin's lightsaber flashed.

Dooku stepped back, putting a hand to his arm... he pulled away and noticed he was bleeding... Anakin nicked him.

"You have unusual powers, Young Padawan... you both do... but not enough to save each other, one of you will die.... it's just a matter of time," Dooku threatened, looking at Alia and Anakin.

"Don't bet on it.... Alia and I are powerful, together," Anakin replied.

"Anakin!!" Obi Wan yelled and used the force to throw his lightsaber towards his young apprentice direction.... Anakin quickly grabbed it...

With two lightsabers in his hands.... he attacked.

Dooku swung... hard... driving Anakin back towards a wall... Anakin lost one lightsaber, finally Dooku... in one flashing move, sent Anakin's arm... cut towards the elbow, flying.. still gripping his lightsaber.... Anakin dropped to the ground in agony.

Alia grabbed her arm... she felt a sudden pain, then it hit her.... she was feeling his pain.

"Anakin," Alia breathed out.. looking at him.. she couldn't do much for him, but she knew she had to finish this fight... with Dooku.

Alia rushed toward Dooku... she lifted her saber and swung... Dooku quickly blocked, he simply smiled...

"Knight Alia... I was wondering when you'd join this fight," Dooku replied.

"You need to let them go," Alia demanded.... turning to look over at Obi Wan and Anakin.

"Or what?" Dooku questioned.

"Well let's just say, I'm not like the rest... I will happily go for aggressive negotiations," Alia replied.

"So be it," Dooku smiled.

Alia swung hard... Dooku was taken aback by Alia's attacks, he soon grew use to be able to block them... Anakin and Obi Wan on the floor watched, both in a lot of pain.

Alia quickly blocked... and aimed to strike towards his midsection, Dooku narrowly blocked it... aiming for her neck.. Alia quickly ducked, and took a step back.

Each strike aimed at the other... it was quickly blocked. Dooku recognized the way she fought, he then figured out who her Master was... but when she striked... she was much more fierce.

Neither moved... as when one would be pushed back, the other would then do the same... Alia pushed his lightsaber to the side with hers, and managed to kick him in the chest. Dooku stumbled back... completely surprised.

Alia took advantage of that moment and resumed her attack... she managed to catch his shoulder before he moved back.... Dooku saw blood in the spot where she caught him.

Alia smirked....

Dooku carefully studied Alia... a thin layer of sweat covered her forehead, her hair stuck to her... she was growing tired, and trying to catch her breath before either struck each other once more.

Each resumes their fight... Alia's moved slower with each passing moment, a grin quickly appeared on Dooku's face... he managed to catch her off guard.

He managed to cut her arm off... she fell to her knees, groaned in pain.. she tried to stand up.

Dooku walked up to her... he placed his hand on her injury, his Master wasn't gonna be to pleased that he injured her... but he didn't care.

"You fought well, Alia.... but not well enough," Dooku smiled down at her.

Dooku raised his lightsaber... ready to deliver the final blow, Obi Wan and Anakin watched as Alia closed her eyes.... she was ready to die.

"Y-Your Master won't be to pleased if you kill me... but I will never join you, or the dark side... ever," Alia breathed if those were gonna be her last words...

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