Chapter 3

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Alia was sitting on the bottom steps of the temple, she was waiting for Master Qui Gon..... she wanted to say goodbye and perhaps ask him about Anakin...

"Alia? Why are you sitting here alone?"

She turned around and saw Obi Wan, she froze.... "I-I was waiting for Master Qui Gon" she replied back, he laughed and nodded. "Mind if I join you?" He questioned, she nodded.

"Alia I sense that you are very stressed... what's wrong?" Obi wan said, she looked up at him... "what if it's to early for me to be a Jedi?" She questioned, he shrugged.... deep down he knew she was ready... even though she was much younger then him, he could sense that she was strong with the force.... just like Anakin.

He gently put his hand on her shoulder, "Alia you are ready! You don't need to worry about anything.... go and do the mission and when you come back you'll be a well trained Jedi!" He said to her. Obi wan saw Alia as a little sister, he remembered when they first met.... she was a tiny little girl, with no memory of who she was.... but Obi wan helped her.

Obi was felt a presence behind him, he turned around and saw his Master.... who was smiling at them both.

Alia turned around and smiled, "Master Qui Gon.... I need to ask you something!" He nodded. "Is Anakin the chosen one? Is he gonna being balance? Is he gonna destroy the sith once and for all?" She said.

He smiled and said "patience young one, time will only tell.... but it is said that he is the chosen one". She nodded, she quickly rushed up and hugged him... "I feel like something is gonna happen once you leave for Naboo" she said gently...

It caught him off guard...

He smiled and said "I'll be back, I promise!"

She nodded and quickly hurried up the steps, sensing her Master needed her.... she ran through the temple looking for Master yoda.

She turned the corner and saw yoda and Windu... something was bothering them, she quickly walked up to them.

"Master yoda, I sense something is coming" she blurted out.... they both turned towards her, Yoda calmly took his padawan's hand and said "disturbance in the force, there is".

They all three grew quiet.....

Windu turned to Alia, he smiled and said " everything will be fine young one, trust in the force", she nodded....... She knew he was right, she shouldn't let her mind wonder..... Because then it could turn on her.

Yoda placed his hand on Alia, he knew.......... He knew something was gonna happen, but even then time would tell.

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