Chapter 29

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A humanoid robot was working outside the homestead... he lacked an outer covering; his inner parts and wiring showed... Alia, Anakin and Padme had arrived to the homestead.. the robot had stopped what he was doing and looked at them.

"Good evening.. may I help you?" The humanoid robot asked the trio.

"C-3PO?" Anakin looked at the robot... he smiled, remembering how he created the robot at such a young age.

"Oh, my....oh, my!! Master Anakin! My goodness, I can hardly believe it!! And this must be Miss Padme!! The droid said with excitement... he turned towards Alia, and smiled..."You must be the woman, Master Anakin... cares deeply about." He finished.

"You could say that... but I'm Alia," Alia smiled towards the droid.

"I've come to see my mother," Anakin informed.

"Oh, dear! I'm terribly sorry... Master Ani," C-3PO apologized.

"3PO what happened?" Padme questioned.

"I think we'd better go inside," 3PO lead them inside.

They walked into the courtyard... 3PO shuffled ahead and proceeded to call out names that weren't familiar. "Master Lars.... Master Owen!! Someone is here to see you!!" called out..

Suddenly a young man and young women walked out into the courtyard...

"I'm Anakin Skywalker... I'm here looking for my mother," Anakin introduced himself.

"Owen Lars... I guess I'm your step brother and this is my girlfriend Beru," the young man replied... offering his hand out to Anakin.

"Hello," Beru waved.

"I'm Padme... and this is Alia," Padme replied... introducing herself and Alia's.

"I had a feeling you might show up one day," Owen sighed.

"Is my mother here?" Anakin asked.

"No, she's not," Another man arrived, swinging from the house on a small floating chair... one of his legs was heavily bandaged... the other was missing, he balanced awkwardly and slowly put his hand out.

"Cliegg Lars... Shmi is my wife... come inside, we have a lot to talk about," Cliegg said... he lead the trio inside where Alia could sense bad news was awaiting them.

Beru placed several steaming cups of Jawa juice on a tray and walked out of the kitchen... everyone else was gathered inside the living room, Anakin and Alia were sitting slightly close to one another... but not enough to draw attention to themselves.

"It was just before dawn... they came out of nowhere, a hunting party of  Tusken raiders," Cliegg began.

Beru gently placed the cups on the table....

"Your mother had gone out early, like she always did.... to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporatos. From the tracks, she was about halfway when they took her... those tusken walk like men, but they're mindless monsters.. thirty of us went out after her... and only four of us came back. Three more are still out there looking, I'd be with them... only, I juts couldn't ride any more... until I heal," Cliegg grimaced as he grabbed his leg... easing the throbbing pain.

"This isn't the way I wanted to meet you, son... this isn't how your mother and I planned it. I don't want to give up on her, but she's been gone for about a month.. there's little hope that she's lasted this long," Cliegg finished and silence quickly followed behind.

Both Alia and Anakin stood up... Both looked like they were headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Cliegg asked..

"To find my mother," Anakin stated.

"She's dead son... accept it," Cliegg sighed... practically given up hope.

"I can feel her pain, and I will find her... I know she's alive," Anakin turned abruptly and walked out the door... with Alia right behind him.

They both stood looking across the desert.... Padme came running out of the homestead after them, followed by Owen... Anakin turned to look at Alia..

"Alia you must stay here, these are good people.. you'll be safe," Anakin assured her.

"Take my speeder bike," Owen offered.

"Anakin.. I'm coming with you," Alia demanded...

"You can't...if something happened to you, out there.. I wouldn't be able to handle it, so please... stay here, I beg of you," Anakin replied

"Anakin...." Alia didn't know what else to do... so she hugged him, she wanted to go with him... she feared that he wasn't gonna like what he'd see, but there was no stopping him.

Anakin walked over to Owen's speeder, which was standing close by.

"I trust you'll watch over them... Alia and Padme," Anakin nodded.

"Don't worry, but I'm sure Alia doesn't need watching over...." Owen agreed.

Anakin swung himself into the bike... and fired up the engine.

"I won't be long," Anakin assured Alia... but she just frowned at him.

Suddenly he took off across the desert, in search for his mother... hoping that'd she still be alive when he found her.

Alia watched as he took off... a sense of dread washed over her, she should have gone with him...

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